Chapter Fifteen - This is Arthur

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"What do you mean 'a quest'?" I asked.

"A quest, ya' know?"

"No, I- I don't."

"Come on, Roo, I know you love to play video games in your spare time, there are quests in those. Not that you have much spare time with college and everything. And you like studying Medieval stuff. You know what quests are."

"Yeah, but... Wait, what does liking video games and Medieval stuff have to do with anything?"

"Look, I'm just trying to say that you know what a quest is."

"I don't understand, I thought we were helping ghosts who lived here?" I questioned.

"Mhmm, he does."

I raised an eyebrow, "Then why are we going on a 'quest' to find him?"

"Because he's in the forest by the school right now." Mage explained.

"That's not part of campus." I argued.

"Oh, but it is. There are some small building back there that classes are held in. It is part of the campus, and part of the old asylum."

I rubbed my temples, "Right, those classes run by crazy people who are willing to go traipsing through the woods."

"You do realize that it's less than a quarter mile from the tree house, right?"

"Yeah..." I grumbled, "But why are we going there to find him. You said he was there 'right now', does that mean that isn't his main 'haunting place'?" 

"Nope, he's just there for now, but since you don't have any classes right now, I think you should come with me to go find him." She smiled.

I let out a sigh. She's right, I don't have anything going on. "Fine. Let's go."

~-Skip to edge of forest-~

"So, why exactly did you want to go looking through the woods for this specific ghost guy? Why not someone closer by?" I asked as we started walking into the forest. I'll be honest, I love the forest; the quiet, the trees, everything.

"Because I think you'll really like Arthur, if you know what I mean." Mage winked at me.

I stopped dead in my tracks and stared at her. "What?"

She started laughing maniacally.

"You're kidding me, right?"

"Nope. Hahaha! But that's not the only reason, he's also willing to help other ghosts, so I think it'll be good to have him on our side."

I blinked at her and continued walking, "Then why did you come to me in the first place? And how did you even find out about him?"

"Well, I wasn't exactly looking for you to help me, I was just looking for someone who was willing. I had hear about him, but didnt know if he moved on yet or not. I didn't know until today when I saw him."

"You saw him? Then why didn't you just get him to follow you?" I asked.

I thought you would prefer this, besides this is safer."


"Yes, safer. Ghosts can inflict pain into each other much more easily than they can on the living. I wanted you here with me." Mage explained.

Awwwww, that's cute. Maybe she looks to me like her big sister. 

"He didn't see me anyways so..." Mage trailed, "Hey, there he is!"

I looked around but didn't see anyone, "Where?"

"He's invisible to you, but I can see him." Mage ran over to a place under a tree and started talking into thin air. I just looked at her, feeling confused. Until, someone appeared...

He looked about my age. He had white-blonde hair and turquoise eyes. He was wearing a brown jacket and a red scarf around his neck. He blinked over to me.

"Hello." He said calmly. 

"Uh, hi." I responded awkwardly. 

He stood  up and reached out his hand for me to shake, "My name's Arthur." He smiled.

I shook his hand, "I'm Roo, Roo Wallace."


I didn't mean to put that song in at the begining, I just couldn't figure out how to delete it. That wasn't that long either, sorry. I'm a bit stuck and that encounter was REALLY awkward so yeah... 

As always, have a great day! Bye~!

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