Chapter Thirty Two - And This is Hazel

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"Wait, why are we back here?" I asked as a small water droplet dripped from the ceiling and splashed onto the stone floor below, echoing throughout the tunnels.

"I don't think you realize how many ghosts are down here." Arthur glanced at me over his shoulder.

I looked down at the small baby in my arms. I feel slightly uneasy with the baby. Not to say that I'm scared of it, I've just never been real big on babies. I'm kind of scared that I'm going to hurt it.

"Remember when you told Haru and Sevta that there weren't any ghosts in here?" Mage asked.

I nodded.

"Yeah, you were very wrong." Mage said.

"I assumed as much."

The baby let out a small squeak.

My eyes widened as I looked down at it. Oh no, what have I done?

"Woah, Roo, what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost." Arthur joked.

I gave him a look, "Yeah, they seem to be everywhere nowadays."

"More so than you know." Arthur returned to walking.

The tunnels have a way of being so silent, that every little noise has a massive echo and sounds much louder than it actually is. The sound of footsteps filled the tunnels. Strange how ghosts still sound like they're walking. Although, I guess that's only when they chose to walk rather than just float.

"Is the baby okay?"  I asked as it fell silent.

Mage, Arthur, and I all stopped walking, but the sound of footsteps continued.

The baby let out a loud wail.

I gasped, "Guys, what's going on?"

They said nothing, but continued to just look around cautiously.

"You have something of ours." Came a growl from behind us.

I whirled around to face a woman with brown hair, and a man with black hair.

"Wh-what do you mean?" I stuttered.

The woman narrowed her eyes and the man staggered forwards a few steps.

That's when it hit me. "Oh. Oh! This your baby-"

"Yes, and I don't appreciate you taking her from me." Snapped the woman.

"And you," The man sneered, looking at Arthur, "Your to blame for all of this."

"No he's not!" Mage snapped.

"His family started this place. They started this insanity." He growled.

"That's not Arthur's fault, he can't control what anyone else does." I tried to stay calm.

"What gave them the right to throw people in here?! What gave them the right to take lives?!" Screamed the woman, "Nothing! No one has that authority!"

The baby started crying.

"You're right, what they did was wrong. They shouldn't have hurt anyone, but they have and that's out of everyone's control." I reasoned, "It's no one here's fault."

The woman began screaming again, "It's-!"

"Look, you want to make your baby happy, right?" I paused, "You can't do that if you can't move on. She can't be happy if you're holding a grudge and can't move on."

The woman looked shocked. "You... don't understand."

"No, I can't say that I do." I shook my head, "But no one here deserves to be like this. All of you deserve to be happy. I can't guarantee that for you, or anybody else. Only you can."

The woman blinked and a teardrop trickled down her cheek.

The man limped forward with outstretched arms and I handed him the baby. He smiled down at the baby.

The now familiar silver, green, blue, and purple lights slowly faded in and began spinning at a rapid pace around them as they gazed down at the baby.

The woman looked up, "Her name is Hazel, remember that."

The slowly became more and more transparent.

"I hope you find your resolve as well." The man smiled at us.

With that, they were gone. Mere memories in the corner of someone's mind.

I looped an arm around Mage and leaned against Arthur. I am defiantly going to have these memories forever, and that makes me happier than I can describe.


I wandered into the small old graveyard that still lied on campus grounds.

I had a chisel that I'd taken from the art room in one hand, and in the other a list that Arthur, Mage, and I had made.

I sat down in front of one of the tombstones. The smaller ones were for the younger people there. What was saddest though, was that the ones for the babies didn't have their names on them, only numbers.

I pulled out the chisel and began scratching names into the stones.

Heather... Belle... Taylor... Sarah... Harry... Emily... Ethan... Benny I paused as I got to number nine. "And this Hazel."


Oh geez, this got intense. :/

Walp, hope you all enjoyed and have a magnificent day/night/afternoon, my wolf pack. Bye~! :3

(I have Non-stop from Hamilton stuck in my head. How do you write like you're running out of time?)


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