Chapter Fourteen - The New Quest

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It's been a about a week since Eleanor, Charles, Blaze, Axel, and Nixon moved on and since then, I haven't seen Mage.

I'm getting really worried, and I think Sevta and Haru can tell.

"C'mon, Roo, you can tell us anything." Pushed Haru, "You know we're here for you."

"Guys, I'm fine." I smiled, "I'm just worried about an upcoming test, okay. You don't need to worry."

"Hmmm, well, okay, I guess." Sevta grumbled.

The pair walked away.

Geez, Mage where are you?


~-Two Days later-~


I was eating some ramen noodles at the counter, Sevta and Haru were out somewhere, and I had my ear buds in as I listened to music. Suddenly...

"Gah! MAGE!" I screamed as the small ghost girl popped up behind my, making me spill my ramen, "WHERE WERE YOU!"

"Geez, calm down, Roo." Mage held up her arms defensively.

"No, I will not calm down!" I let out a deep breath and looked at the spilled ramen all over the floor and my clothes, before getting a rag to clean it up.

"I was out doing research for new ghosts to find and help!" Mage sounded excited.

"Yeah?" I paused my ramen-cleaning, "How exactly would you go around doing that? Especially since you don't want people to see you."

"Hmm? I mostly just wander around here and look for them, or use the computer lab for information when everyone has left." Mage said as if it were the most simple concept.

"Why didn't you tell me?! I was worried sick!"


I can't believe she didn't tell me before she just disappeared like that! I was really worried about her, Mage is like a little sister to me.

"Well, what did you find?" I asked.

Mage smiled, "I'm glad you asked. We're going on a quest."


Yeah, that was really short, just about two hundred words. But don't you worry, I'll have the next chapter out in a few min and it'll be longer.

Also, I don't know why I put Medieval music in here, I just like it... speaking of Medieval, if you wanted me to write anything sort of Medieval, I would, after I finish this. I love the Medieval times, that sounded weird...  

Well, I hope you guys enjoyed! Have a great day~!

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