Chapter Eight - Leave It To Blaze

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-This chapter will be told from Blaze's perspective, but from chapter nine and onwards, it will be from Roo's perspective. If it's from anyone else's point of view, I'll say so at the beginning of the chapter, like I am now. :3 -

"Heh, leave it to me." I smirked before making myself invisible and slipping away.

This'll be easy,  all I need to do is slip into one of the labs and get one.

As I entered one of the chemistry labs, I realized it was currently in use.

"Shoot!" I muttered angrily under my breath. This'll be harder than I though... but I could make this fun. Heh heh.

There wasn't a class in session, just some kids doing their homework or an experiment or something, right now, I could care less what exactly they were doing.

I went to the front of the lab room, near a chalkboard and gazed over the group of about ten students. I smirked and grabbed a piece of chalk, still invisible and started writing on the board. It said: Hey people, I'm Blaze and we're going to have a ton of fun together.

I chuckled slightly as the students look up at the board in fear as I wrote. Yep, no matter what I write, move, or manipulate, if they can't see me, they fear me.

I wrote under the first message; So, If you'd be kind enough to give me a facial mask I'll get out of your hair.

A few kids fled the room and another screamed. The last one grabbed a mask and slowly walked up the a desk near me.

"H-h-here." She stuttered and placed the mask down, "J-just d-don't hurt us."

Wouldn't dream of it, I just need this to protect a friend. I would never hurt anyone. I wrote.

"Hehe, g-good." She started to back up and a guy who was in the back of the class walked over to her and stared at the board in amazement.

"I knew ghosts where real..." He said softly.

I smirked. Well, thank you, have a good day you two. I wrote as I grabbed the mask and rushed to meet up with Mage and Roo.

Yeah, I was writing really formally. I wanted to make them think I was older than I really am. I'm only thirteen because once you die, even if you exist as a ghost, you don't technically age, even if you mature, like some do.

As I neared Roo and Mage I became visible again. THis is great, I'm finally going to see Axel and Nixon again!

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