Chapter Nineteen - So, It's Not Magic?

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Arthur, Mage, and I crouched behind some bushes so we wouldn't be found by professor what's-his-name. Not that Arthur or Mage had too, since they could go invisible and nothing would even happen to them if they were caught.

"Shoot." I panted, "You think he could recognize me?"

Arthur and Mage looked at each other and shrugged.

"Uh, maybe?" Mage sounded uncertain.

"Probably  not." Arthur didn't sound too convinced though.

I let out a deep breath, "I am so screwed."

"Let's go somewhere safer," Mage suggested, "The library maybe?"

"Sure." I agreed.

-To The Library!-

The three of us sat in I small circle of chairs in the far corner, and surrounded by book shelves. No one was near us, which was good, since almost anyone could tell that Arthur and Mage were ghosts, or at least not normal humans.

"Okay, okay. Let me get this straight," I started, "So that guy, Henry, has powers!? I believe this paranormal stuff, but magic?"

"It's not magic." Arthur growled, "It's because of the way he died, that he now has those 'powers'. He can control small amounts of electricity for a short amount of time."

"But how?" I pressed.

"When he had his affair with Mary, the people in charge of the asylum decided he need to be 'punished'." Arthur began.

I shuddered as I heard that last statement. That's just weird.

"They started giving him electrical therapy, which in the end, killed him."

I saw Mage shiver slightly, but she seemed calm, for the most part. "Yeah, defiantly not magic, or at least not what most people think of as magic."

I nodded in agreement, "So, is he dangerous?"

"Probably not..." Mage trailed, pulling her brown jacket tighter around herself.

I wonder if ghosts even get cold.

"Unless provoked." Arthur stated "We probably scared him a little."

"Why would he be scared of us though?" I asked, "He lives here, shouldn't he be used to seeing students by now? I'm that intimidating either. Also, you two were with me."

Mage looked over at Arthur questioningly.

"I guess we surprised him by popping up when people usually don't," Arthur began, "Not all ghosts are used to being around living beings, or even other ghosts, even if it has been several years since they died."

Mage nodded slightly and fixed her stare on Arthur, "He seemed scared of you."

"That's true..." I trailed softly, remembering what happened. Arthur looked a little bit annoyed.

He's not that intimidating...

"Maybe he was scared of your horrible puns." Mage laughed.

"Hey! My puns are great, Roo's are terrible Arthur insisted and gestured towards me.

"What!?" I exclaimed.

"Huh, if it isn't the culprit." Came a voice from behind me.

Mage and Arthur's eyes widened as they went invisible.

I whirled around to see my Liberal Arts teacher, the one who had came into the room as Mage, Arthur, and I ran. 

"You have a lot of explaining to do." He glared and crossed his arms.

I am so screwed.


Hey guys, I know it's been a few days since the last update and I feel as though I have dug myself into hole with this story. It's changed a lot since I first had the initial idea for the story, which was last summer and I'm having conflicting ideas.

In any case, this has changed a lot from my first idea, and I'm struggling a bit. I'm starting to get back on track, so don't worry, I'm not going to give up on this book. (Never gonna give you up. never gonna let you down~! Sorry, please don't kill me.)

Anyways, have a great day/night. Bye my wolf pack~! :3

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