Chapter Thirty Four - I Know Who They Are...

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What could Alice have meant?

I don't know what she meant when she said that I'd have to find out on my own. I don't know what I have to find out, although that's why I need to find it out, I suppose.

"You want to know, don't you?"

I whirled around to see that the sound came from none other than Alice herself.

"Doesn't anyone use doors anymore?" I asked. I was trying to joke around, be Alice seemed so serious.

Without any words, Alice reached under my bed and pulled out an old, dusty scrapbook. It looked like it was decades old, and poorly neglected.

"Where did that come from?" I wondered aloud.

"This," Alice said as she handed the book over to me, "is yours."

I furrowed my eyes brows slightly, "No, it's not."

"Yes, yes it is." Alice insisted.

"I think I would have remembered-"

"And we all thought that you'd remember us, but you didn't"

"What?" I questioned, "Wh-what do you mean?"

Alice sat next to me on the bed and opened the book to the first page. It showed a greyscale image of a small girl, who looked to be about eight, holding hands with a two or three year old girl.

"The girls... they look familiar." I trailed.

"They should." Alice said before turning the page.

The next page held more greyscale images of the same two girls playing and having fun. They look very similar. Maybe they're sisters.

As we continued to turn the pages, the two girls got older and did different things.

In one, the older girl was about ten and was laying in a bed with a dazed expression on her face. She seemed confused, and I noticed that she did in a few other pictures as well.

Then, something strange happened. The places in the backgrounds looked more and more familiar. 

I stared at an image of the two girls, now looking about fourteen and eight, in front of an oddly familiar tree. Suddenly, it clicked; that was the same tree that I always sit under while I study. Further in the background, I could make out the outline of Humber, but it was different. Much different.

It looked more like it did well, many years ago, when it first opened as an insane asylum.

"These two girls..." I trailed, "They used to be here?"

"Yes." Alice confirmed, "Don't they look familiar."

Alice looked like she was going to cry. As much as I wanted to comfort her, I couldn't shake this nagging feeling that something was wrong. That there was something I wasn't remembering.

There were more pictures of the two girls. They were still at Humber, but they looked... sadder. The younger one looked sad, but hopeful, the older also looked hopeful, but she seemed increasingly more confused.

I saw another picture. The two girls looked happier again. I smiled a bit when I saw that they looked cheerful.

The girls were also with a boy who looked about the age as the older girl. The boy was holding on of the older girl's hands while the younger sister held the other hand. They all looked happier.

We turned the pages of these girls lives, and saw a few more images, all of the same three people, all seemingly taken at Humber.

Somewhere along the way, another girl joined them and was featured in a few pictures.

Again, they got older as the pictures continued, until all of them looked scarily familiar. No, not scarily familiar... it was terrifying how familiar they were.

The last picture in the book was of the two sisters, the boy, and other other girl. All four of them together in front of the tree in the first picture taken at Humber in this book. The older of the sisters in between the boy and her younger sister, the other girl in a branch a little above all of them.

Tears welled in my eyes and Alice wrapped her arms around me as I hesitantly pulled the picture out of the book, and looked at the back.

It read; Roo, Mage, Arthur, and Alice.

The sanest people at this asylum. The closest friends in this world.

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