Chapter Ten - Falling Falling Falling

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Suddenly, the floor gave out beneath me. "Ahh!" I let out a loud shriek as I started plummet to the first floor. I closed my eyes and braced myself for hard impact with the ground floor.

Instead, I landed on something soft and slightly fluffy.

"Huh?" I questioned and glanced around. I looked up a bit and saw Axel, Blaze, and Mage standing around me and I was sitting in a large pile of pillows and blankets.

Blaze smiled, "See? I told I wouldn't let you get hurt, didn't I?"

I pushed myself to my feet, still shaking slightly from fear of the fall. "Yeah, you did, thanks guys."

I looked down at the three smaller ghosts. Wow, I was just saved by a trio of ghost children, I need to be more careful.

Blaze smiled, I could visibly see that he was happier now that he was reunited with one of his brothers, "Well, let's go find Nixon."

"Agreed. Wait, how am I going to get out of here?"

Blaze smiled evilly, "The same way you came here."  

"Seriously?" I glared at him.

He nodded and both Mage and Axel laughed a bit.

"Wow, I'm trying to help you all move on and you're throwing me out windows, what the heck."

This made the three of them start laughing harder.

"Ugh," I sighed, "Fine."


Once we finally got back outside and Blaze boarded the window back up I started to wonder...

"Hey, Axel, why didn't you leave that place long ago to go find your brothers?" I asked him.

"Uh, well, I kinda got stuck in there once I got in." He explained, embarrassed.

"Yeah, not all of us have the kind of concentration to go through walls all the time." Blaze nodded, "He just didn't have the same concentration as I do, at least he didn't when he tried to leave."

"Hmmm..." I trailed. I wonder what makes it so that not all ghosts can do that, or why ghosts even exist at all. Blaze explain what a ghost is, but he didn't explain why they exist. I feel like I shouldn't ask him though, he seems happy right now and I don't want to ruin that.

Blaze wrapped an arm around Axel, "Well, let's go find Nixon."


Author's Note:

Hey guys, sorry for the shorter chapter, I'm just a little bit stuck here, but I'm sure I'll have it figured out by tomorrow or even later today. Also, I'm going to try to update this twice a day most days just because I'm having a lot of fun with this, I have the time, and you guys seem to really like this book so far.

Thanks for all the support and if you guys want anything specific to happen here, then tell me. Also, I need some names, because I have an idea for the end of this book and i'll need some name ideas. So, if you have any ideas or names, tell me in the comments and I might use them (I'll give you credit if I use your idea or names), it's greatly appreciated.

Have a great day~! :3

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