Gearing Up

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Gearing Up 

“Vegas! Really?” I asked, flabbergasted.

“Yes, really!” Naina shot back. “Cas, Vegas is the only place where your wildest fantasies can come true!”

“But I don’t want them to come true!” I was really in shock. Naina, of all people, should know that I don’t do Vegas.

“What is your wildest fantasy?” Naina asked as she moved closer. Damn, I was trapped.

“Uh…. Nothing wild, just the usual!” I said in a little high pitched voice, which gave away my lie. I lie to my so called parents all the time but when it comes to Naina, well let’s just say I can’t lie to her even for the life of me.

“Cassandra, what are you hiding from me?” Crap, here comes the Spanish Inquisition.

“Nothing Sim, really!” I said in my high pitched voice, again!

“I will ask you one more time and you better tell me the truth or it will get ugly.” She warned me. I sighed.

“Fine, my wildest fantasy is………uh, togetmarriedtoastranger!” I completed in a rush.

“Huh?” she looked sternly confused. Had it been a different situation, I would be splits. But the tension around me didn’t stop a small smile that graced my lips.

“My wildest fantasy is to get married to a stranger.” I repeated my sentence, this time slowly and calmly.

“Wow, who would’ve thought!”

“Yea, who would’ve….” I said dejectedly.

“Hey, why are you upset?”

“I just…..uh! This whole point in getting married to a stranger is that I wouldn’t have any expectations, no dreams of how it would turn out to be. It would be like a secret that’ll unravel with time. All I have to do is just go with it.” Naina wiped a stray tear that had escaped my eye and gave me a sad smile. “Yea, I know it sounds depressing but this is how I am feeling right now.”

“No, you are feeling what a normal girl feels when she gets her heart broken.” She rubbed my shoulders soothingly. “You are just a bit deep, like always.” Only Naina can joke in such intense moments.

“Fine, whatever.” I shrugged. Just then, my stomach growled all too loudly. We looked at each other and burst out laughing, gloomy mood forgotten.

“Let’s get something in that tummy of yours.” Naina said as she made her way towards the kitchen.

“Kk, let me just clean up quickly.” I called and turned towards the bathroom. I quickly washed my face, not wanting to dwell on my reflection, and hurried to the kitchen before my stomach could emit another growl. “What’s cooking?” at this point, I would eat anything.

“Grilled cheese sandwich.” She said as she started putting the sandwiches in the griller.

“Sounds good.” I said as I made myself comfortable on the kitchen isle.

“Cass, about our trip……..” Naina trailed off suggestively. I sighed.

“It’s not happening, alright. I am really exhausted, physically and mentally, to do something that wild.” She opened her mouth to speak but I raised a hand to silence her. “I know, he’s not worth it, they’re not worth it but it’s not them who are making me feel so depressed, but it’s me, my own self that making me feel so depressed.” Understanding shown in her eyes as she patted my shoulders softly before checking on our meal.  As Naina set down my plate in front of me that doorbell rang. I groaned.

“I’ll get it.” I smiled at her and nodded and immediately dug in. Distantly, I heard the door open and the voices of my so called parents floating through. I stiffened.

“I think you should leave.” I heard Naina say to them.

“No, I will not leave until she apologizes to her mother.” That did it. Food forgotten, I got up and headed towards the door, boiling with anger.

I’ve had enough of it. Who do they think they are? Barging into my hone like that and demanding an apology from me when it’s them who are wrong!

No, I will not let this continue. I refuse go through all that again. I straightened my shoulders and braced for what was coming.

Dearest daddy, today you will see that side of your daughter that you couldn’t imagine even existed.

Game on.

I know this chapter is awfully short but I'm trying to build my story so please bear with me. I promise the chapters will get lengthier in the future.

Please review and vote.

Much Love,


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