Mistakes, Revealed

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Mistakes, Revealed

As soon as the door closed behind me I made a mad dash for the elevator. I pressed the button like a madwomen and rather impatiently waited for the elevator to arrive. While waiting, I noticed that the strap of my sandal was dangling, so I bent down to fix it so that it might not cause any more trouble in the near future. But as I reached for the strap, I noticed something shinny on my ring finger. Rubbing my eyes, I bought my left hand closer to my face and gasped in horror.

It was a freaking RING!



Which only meant one thing,


The elevator dinged at its arrival and I practically leaped into it, considering the fact that I was almost on my knees moments before it arrived. Mercifully the elevator was empty or else the people would’ve thought I’m mad or something, and this one problem is enough for me for the time being. I shakily pressed the 24th floor button, thanking god that I’m in my hotel and not in some random motel. Once the elevator started moving, I heaved a sigh of relief and pulled out my cell and dialed Naina’s number. She picked up after several rings.

“What?” she grumbled.

“Where are you?” I asked, panic taking over. That had her alert.

“Cass, sweetie what’s wrong?” even though her voice was still gravelly, her tone was soft.

“I just…” I chocked as the tears started flowing. “Just tell me where you are?” I chocked.

“I’m with Santiago, but seriously, what’s wrong Cassy?” she was on full alert mode now. What, with Santiago, warning bells started ringing in my head.

“Just meet me at our room, please. And don’t tell Santiago about it.” I hung up. Taking a deep breath, I sunk down on the floor. The elevator dinged, alerting me that I’ve reached my floor. I slowly got up and made my way over, earning strange looks from the other people, but I was too exhausted to care. Thankfully, I still had my key card. I opened the door and stepped inside, leaving it unlocked after me for Naina. I threw my bag and sank down on the floor, near the sofa and wrapped my arms around my knees, I buried my head.

After about ten minutes, I heard the door open, light footsteps coming in my direction, a thump as she sank down besides me and wrapped her hands around my shoulders.

“Hey, it’s alright now.” She cooed softly. My shoulders started shaking at her soothing voice, as sobs wracked my body. “Cass, honey, what happened?” she asked as she rubbed my shoulders.

“I am married.” I said, but my voice was muffled.

“Huh, I didn’t get you.’ She said softly, encouraging me to lift my head and look at her with my bloodshot eyes.

“I got married, Sims.” I whispered.

It's a small chapter, I know, but they are going to get longer in the future.
It's just the begining guys, so chill out.
Also, someone asked me weather I would be doing anyone else's Point of
View. The answer is no, for now. I'll think of it in the future, but for now, I'm
going to stick with Cassy!
Fan and Review.
Much Love,

Drunken Mistake..........or not? #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now