Face To Face

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Face To Face

To say I was surprised to see him was an understatement. From the past few days, he was there, somewhere in the back of my mind, constantly reminding me of my night with him. The ring, which was still on my ring finger, my constant reminder of the fact that I was now married, by choice or not, and there was nothing I could do about it now.

“Wh….what….??” but seeing him here, right in front of me, robbed me of my ability of clear speech. I have to get out of here, now! My mind screamed at me. I moved to get out but he tightly grasped my wrist and stopped me.

“ Se avete il coraggio correre, io gli dico il nostro piccolo segreto .”(If you dare run, I'll tell him our little secret) He whispered, as if reading my mind. I stood there, shell shocked. He quickly released my wrist as my father sauntered over and casually introduced us.

“Sorry about that.” He said as he walked over to us. “Mr. Salvatore Giordano, I would like to introduce you to my daughter Cassandra.” Dad proudly introduced me, unaware of my horrified expression.

“Miss Hanson, it’s a pleasure.” He said as his expression changed into one of satisfaction. I jumped a little as he took hold of my hand and bought it to his lips. As his lips touched my hand, sparks erupted in my body as I felt tingly from head to toe. He looked at me with a meaningfully. I pulled my hand back, as he smirked in accomplishment.

“Uh, hi.” I said uncomfortably, his smirk widened. It irked me, so I decided to take a stand. “It’s nice to meet you Mr. Giordano.” He raised his eyebrows at me.

“Please, call me Salvatore.” He challenged me.

“Salvatore.” I repeated confidently, but my expression flattered at the sudden desire in his eyes.

“Cassy, honey, why don’t you take Mr. Giordano with you and introduce him to the rest of the family.” My father’s voice snapped me out of my terrance. I was about to protest but Salvatore beat me to it.

“That would be nice Mr. Hanson. And please, call me Salvatore.” He said with an all too charming smile and I knew he had won over my father.

“Of course son, I’ll meet you in a few minutes. I just have to sort something's out.” He apologetically.

“Oh, that’s alright. We’ll see you later.” He said, looking at me with a hidden smile. "Dopo, la signora Giordano" (“After you, Mrs. Giordano.”) He whispered. I froze as my gaze darted to my father in panic, but calmed down when I saw he was already occupied, I heaved a sigh of relief. I glared at him.

“This way, please.” I gritted out. I was just about to close the door when my father called me.

“Cassy? Honey?” I turned around. “Don’t run out on me again.” He said in a light tone but I could hear the hidden fear and sadness.

“I won’t.” I promised. I felt tears well up in my eyes as I saw relief in his expression. I turned around and walked out with my ‘husband’ in tow.

Man, this is going to be one heck of a day.

Much love,


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