Conscious, Unconscious

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Conscious, Unconscious


I woke up to a pounding in my head. I clutched it with my hand as I shielded my

eyes with the other. I faintly heard someone saying to dim the lights.

“Where am I?” I crocked, knowing Salvatore would be nearby. I didn’t know why,

but I was sure that he would never leave me, especially when I’m such a state. My

assumption was justified when he spoke up.

“You’re at the hospital.” That got me alerted as I opened my eyes and tried to sit

up but miserably failed as everything around me started spinning. I fell with a

considerable ‘oomph’. “Easy now.” He said, gently placing his hand on my shoulder

to restrict my movements. I looked around only to find myself in Aunt Sam's room.

“What happened?” I asked but it came out uneven as a cough overtook me


“Here.” Naina came into view holding a glass of water for me. Salvatore took it

from her and bought the glass to my mouth. I greedily drank from it. After I was

done, Salvatore kept the glass on the table besides me. I looked at him, my eyes full

of unspoken questions.

“You fainted.” He said in a manner of explaining.

“Yeah, I know that. I’m asking, why?” he looked at me with a happy gleam in his

eyes, like something good happened while I was unconscious.

“Cassandra, you’re…….” but he was cut off my aunt Sam. Gosh, we were so

wrapped up in our bubble that I forgot about everyone else around me. I blushed

faintly as I looked at her apologetically.

“Cassy, honey, how are you feeling now?” she asked stepping forward, glaring at

Salvatore in the process, who, surprisingly, looked apologetic.

“Bit sore, but otherwise fine.” I smiled up at my favorite aunt.

 “Damn girl! You scared us!” Naina came forward, hugging me. I hugged her back.

“So, why did I faint?” I asked as Naina released me.

“Stress, exhaustion….you tell me?” aunt Sam asked me with a stern look.

“Sorry, it was hectic at work.” I made up an excuse, which did not go unnoticed by

Naina, who raised her eyebrows at me. I shot her a pleading look, as she sighed in


“I can see that, but you need to take care of yourself honey.” She said gently.

Suddenly, I felt guilty.

“I will, sorry.” I said as I tried to get off the table again, feeling stronger than

before. I slowly sat up, with assistance from Salvatore.

“Alright, these are some medicines, do take them on time.” She said sternly,

looking at me. I nodded. “And you take care of her, Salvatore.” I froze. I stiffly

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