Close, Yet Far

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Close, Yet Far

“Cassandra?” I woke up to Salvatore's faint whisper.

“What time is it?” I asked sleepily, rubbing my eyes.

“Almost eight.” He said, lightly brushing my hairs from my forehead.

“Huh, only a few hours.” I said, stretching a bit.

“More like sixteen hours.” He said in an amused voice. I sat up straight.


“It’s morning, Cassandra.” He said, clearly amused.

“Why didn’t you wake me up?” I almost whined.

“Because you looked so peaceful, and besides, you looked like you could use some

sleep.” Now that I was fully awake, I realized that I was so not in my clothes but in

someone’s way large T Shirt. Probably Salvatore’s. but the million dollar question

was, how did I get in it.

“Uh, Salvatore?” I said as I pulled up the sheets, realizing that my legs were bare.

“Yes?” he said distractedly.

“Who changed my clothes?” I asked cautiously, afraid of the answer.

“Naina did.” He simply said. I sighed in relief. “Why?” now he turned to look at

me, holding a bowl of what seemed like mushroom soup. My favorite! I resisted the

urge to squeal.

“Oh nothing.” I said, dismissing the subject.

“Cassandra, look at me.” He said in a gentle voice. I obeyed reluctantly. “I would

never take advantage of you, ever.” He said with such sincerity that I believed him,

 “I know.” I found myself whispering despite myself. He smiled.

“Now, have something. You’ve not had anything since tomorrow's breakfast,

right?” I nodded with a grimace.

“Can I brush and shower first. I feel…uh…filthy.” I tried to phrase my problem.

“Alright.” He chuckled as he stood up. “The bathroom’s right there, and Naina

bought some of your clothes over. They are in the closet right there.” He said

pointing at the on the right side of the room. I wonder when Naina came…

“Alright.” I said as I awkwardly eased out of the bed. I stood up and pulled the

shirt down in order to cover my legs as much as possible. Just my luck, it ended

mid-thigh. I looked uncomfortably at Salvatore who had a dark, lustful expression on

his face. I turned away from his intense gaze. I didn’t even hear his footsteps but felt

his body heat as he came near me. Slowly, he put his hands on my waist and pulled

me towards him as he molded my body to his. I heard a sharp intake of breath as I

felt my back hit his rock hard chest. I stopped breathing as he slowly turned me

around in his arms. I kept my gaze fixated on his chest as he tightened his hold on


“Look at me.” He commanded in a strained voice. I found my gaze lifting up to

meet his on its own accord. I gasped. He growled and claimed my mouth with his in

a passionate, claiming kiss.

My body hummed as my hands found his neck on their own accord. He deepened

the kiss as I latched onto him, his grip preventing my movements, his kiss punishing.

His tongue swept my bottom lip, demanding compliance. I complied without

hesitation. I was so engrossed in our kiss that did not feel us move and suddenly I

felt my legs hit the bed.

It was like someone had dumped a bucket of cold water over my head. I snapped

out of my daze. What the hell am I doing! I thought as I started wriggling out of his

hold as he proceeded to lay me down on the bed. He loosened his grip as his hands

started travelling lower. I took the chance and ducked out. He groaned in frustration

as I stood a good feet away from him, attempting to catch my breath. I didn’t what

happened to me, but I was determined not to let it happen again. I looked at him

with an accusing glare, which he returned with his frustrated one. I turned away,

not wanting him to see me vulnerable. Not wanting to let him know the pain it

caused me to put this mere distance between us. I was startled out of my rearview

as I heard scuffling. I turned to look at him just in time to see catch his face set in

determination as he started moving towards me. I felt my body straighten in alarm

as I turned and made a mad dash for the bathroom. I hastily locked the door with

shaking hand. God knows if I let him touch me again, Iwouldn’t have it in me to push

him off, to end it like I did. It might seem the right thing then but I knew I would

regret it later.

I let out a shaky breath as I leaned against the door. I heard him mutter a curse as

he banged the door in frustration. I felt him lean against the door, our bodies

humming despite the barrier. I slowly sank down to the floor, breaking the

connection, and hugged my knees to my chest.

I need to get out of here! Get out as soon as possible or I might lose more than

mere self – respect……… Was the warning that echoed in my head as helpless,

frustrated tears clouded my vision.

Finally! They kissed!

Haha, I know you guys were cursing me for putting distance between

them, so here is it.

Happy now? ;)

I’ve noticed that my chapters are getting considerably long. Well, kudos to

me, eh? ;)

And to those who are urging me to bring Naina and Santiago my only

advice is, keep patience. I just started out with the lead couple getting

together. Santiago and Naina are the second lead, well kinda, so they would

be frequent visitors, that’s for sure. I’ve not completely written them off,

they’ll be coming into the big picture soon enough, I promise.

Have some faith in me!

Lastly, thanks to all those who supported me. turner26g and VidhiPatel , l

ove you loads guys!

Review, fan and vote! And I might post another chapter real quick!

(Damn, even my FootNote’s are getting longer! :P )

Much Love,


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