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“Uh, hey.” He replied awkwardly. Truth to be told, I kinda felt relieved to meet Jeremy. After the news of Marcie and Jeremy's engagement broke out, my first thoughts of how painful it would be when I would first come face to face with him. But right now, standing in front of him, I felt nothing. Not numb nothing, just nothing nothing. I noticed him standing there, looking at his feet in discomfort. I decided to put him out of his misery.

“Congratulations on your engagement.” I said politely, sticking my hand out. He looked up at me in surprise.

“Uh, what?” he asked me again, as if not believing his ears. I hid my smile.

“I said congratulations on your engagement to Marcie.” I repeated for his benefit.

“So, you’re okay with it?” he asked dumbly as he lightly shook my hand.

“Look, I won’t lie to you. The news came to me as a shock, heck I even felt betrayed. But then I realized that we were not together anymore, and besides it’s your life, you can do whatever you want. Who am I to stop you.” I said nonchalantly while he gasped at me. He was about to say something when the door opened.

“Cassandra, what took you so……” Salvatore started but stopped as he saw Jeremy. They both stared at each other.

“Uh, hi.” Jeremy said uncomfortably, trying to break the tension. I giggled. Their heads snapped in my direction, I stopped abruptly. They started at me while I stared at them. The silence was deafening until it was disturbed by the light purr of a car. I couldn’t help the smile that came to my face as I saw Naina step out.

Sheesh, hormonal much! I ignored that thought. Since we were standing at the entrance, she spotted us pretty much instantly. She looked at me, then at the two goons flanking my sides, and shook her head.

Dude, this is messed up! She said, through our mind link. Don’t ask.

Tell me about it! She sighed as she walked upto me and slung her hand over my shoulder.

“A welcome committee! Gosh, you guys sure know how to make a girl feel special!” she said dramatically, fanning her face with her hands. Salvatore smiled at her attempt to lighten the mood.

“Naina.” Jeremy nodded at her in greeting.

“Jeremy.” She said coldly, making him flinch a little. Naina is the most warm – hearted person I know, so if she’s giving you the cold – shoulder, then you must’ve seriously messed up with her. “Salvatore!” she anything but exclaimed. I started in shock as Naina flung her arms around Salvatore, giving him her signature hug. Salvatore was just as shock, but he recovered quickly, returning her hug lightly.

“Hows it going, bro? Long time, no see?” she asked casually, as if she’s know him forever.

“Just fine, though it doesn’t feel like a long time since we last met. Santiago keeps me updated about you.” He said, casually putting his arm around her shoulder and looking down at her in a very brotherly way. I narrowed my eyes at her.

Did you nark me out? I silently asked her, raising my eyebrows.

No, I swear I didn’t. She said with a light shake of her head.

“Uh, you guys know each other?” Jeremy asked, feeling left out.

“Oh, yeah. We met in Ve……” Salvatore started but I cut him off before he could go too far.

“We met while I was on vacation.” I completed, giving him an annoyed look.

“You went on a vacation?” Jeremy looked at me in surprise.

“Yeah, any problem with that?” I asked, looking him straight in the eye. Gosh, these people are getting on my nerves!

“No, just surprised. Last time I checked, you were way too busy for a vocation.” He mumbled, embarrassed.

“Times change, people change.” I flipped back at him, getting more frustrated.

“You of all people should know that, eh?” I snapped, looking at his angry face.

“Oh god! Are you still holding a grudge over what happened with Marcie?” he asked, getting angry. “It’s over Cassandra, get over it!” That did it. I slapped him. Hard.

“How dare you!” I thundered as he looked at me with surprise. “Who do you think you are!” I asked, poking him in the chest. “Get over it? I’m already over it!” I shoved him; he staggered back but somehow managed.

“Cassy?” I heard Naina speak hesitantly behind me. Until now, I had almost forgotten that we had an audience. I turned to look at her. “Let it go, hon.” She spoke hesitantly. Suddenly, my anger came rushing back.

“Let it go! No Sims! I’m sick and tired of them, waving their fake pretences in my face when I don’t even care!” I turned back to him and looked at him with so much fury that he took a step back. “You hear me, and hear me clear. I’m done and over with you! So don’t you dare try and flaunt it in my face, hoping to get some pain out of me!” he blanched. I felt breathless, but considerably lighter. I took a deep breath, happy to get the weight of my chest. I didn’t know what caused my outburst, but I’m glad it happened. Atleast I got my much deserved release.

“Sims.” I turned around towards her. All of a sudden, I felt light headed. Everything around me started spinning. “Salvatore!” I tried to scream, but it came out as a whisper. But he heard me and caught me just in time like I knew he would.

Because I knew somewhere in the back of my mind, that he was the answer to my prayers.

He was my savior.

I know, I know she’s behaving like a nutcase, but it will be explained in the later chapters. I promise!

Sorry it took me this long to update! I was taking a course and am having my exams. They’re from 1st March until 24th March. Updates won’t be regular, but I’ll try my best.

Also, I will be updating ‘As You Desire Me’ soon, so stop with all the hate msgs!

Thanks to my supporters scottcvoss and kiraskyeyes for their confidence in me !

Lastly, please review, vote or fan!

Much Love,


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