Talking the Past

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Talking the Past


“Cassandra, it’ll be alright.” Salvatore said for what seemed like the hundredth


“No, it’s been like this all my life!” I wailed, years of pent-up feelings coming out

in the form of a volcano. “Everytime I try to manage one part of my life, another falls

apart. And every time someone I love gets hurt!” I sobbed pathetically, not caring

for anything anymore. “It’s like balancing marbles on a glass table, if I tear away my

gaze for just a second……” I chocked on my own voice. “First, my mother dies.”

“It’s alright.” Salvatore tries to soothe me, but doesn’t interrupt.


“Oh, and Amanda! Sh-she considered m-me her older…… older s-sis-sister.” She

sobbed. I rubbed circles on her back but did not stop her. This was her chance of

letting it all out. “Bef-before Uncle Tim di-died, he made me pro-promise to look

after her……” she trailed as another series of sobs took over. I sat there, feeling

utterly helpless, while she withered in pain. This was the reason why I never got

close to anyone after what happened to my mother, but with Cassandra, it came

naturally. From the moment I laid eyes on her at the bar, the feeling of protecting

her overwhelmed me. The way she stood there, like a fragile little girl, all I wanted

to do was hold her in my arms and hide from the rest of the world. Maybe it was one

of the reasons that I married her without a second thought.

I, Salvatore Giordano, felt my heart lurch in fear as she talked on. Right now, I so

badly wanted to just kiss her so she could stop speaking the words that were

bringing her so much pain. I just wanted to hold her and ease her pain in any way I

can. Even if it meant trading souls with the devil, I would do it. I would do anything

to see my Cassandra smile.

I was just about to stop her when I remembered Dr. Samantha’s warning.

Just listen, it’s her only chance to speak.

 “I was in col-college. It was only a month after uncle Tim’s death…. I thought she

was cop-copping so well. She had a n-new job, boyfriend. I came back.” She had

stopped sobbing, but tears were still streaming down her face. It really didn’t matter

whether I was here or not for she was in her own far away land. Physically with me,

but mentally, miles away. “That’s when it started. She called me one night, crying,

that she had broken up with her boyfriend. I talked to her, comforted her, then it

was alright. With college, I became busy and forgot about it.” I froze at the blank

expression that suddenly came upon her face. “Then, out of the blue, she starts

calling me. She calls me ten times a day, but I couldn’t talk to her because I was

busy.” She spat, getting me even more worried. “I didn’t even try to talk to her

because I forgot. Then after a week, I get a call telling me…….” She trailed off. I

knew it was something bad, but I wanted to know. I wanted her to just get this off

her chest, for her sake, so I tried.

“Then what, Cassandra?” I asked, snapping her back to the reality. She looked at

me like she was shocked to see me besides her. Like she didn’t know I was sitting

right beside her this whole time. Her eyes, staring blankly at the wall, turned

towards me, brimming with sadness and regret, glittering with unushered tears.

“She died.” She replied coldly.

Another speedy update, as promised!

Alright, so I have a problem! My workloads going to increase for the next

few days, due to some 'unexplainable' reasons..... So the updates might not

be as regular, but hey, I'll try my best! So please stick with me on this one!

*puppy dog face*

Thanks to xAMERx , VidhiPatel , AnaMarrero and jiangarci for their support!

Vote, review and fan!

Much Love,



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