Almost Caught

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Almost Caught

“Cassandra, where are you going?” he asked, clearly amused with my sudden paranoia.

You are getting away from here as soon as possible.” I emphasized on the ‘you’ for the effect. But one look at his face and I know it was wasted. “What do you want,

Salvatore?” I asked, tired.

“I want my wife to come with me.” he replied casually, as if we were talking about the weather.

“Salvatore, I already told you, it was a mistake and nothing else!” I said for the umpteenth time, growing more and more irritated with his constant nagging.

“And I already told you that you are my wife no matter the circumstances.” He replied calmly, but I could see a storm brewing in his eyes.

“Oh god! What do I have to do to make you realize that………” but I was cut off by my father’s voice, much to my horror.

“Make him realize what, Cassy?” I turned around, gasping at him. I looked at him like I had seen a ghost. Oh god! Did he hear anything? I turned to look at Salvator who looked an image of calm. But then I glanced at my father’s confused expression, and breathed a sigh of relief.

“Uh, make him, uh, realize that, uh….” And being the typical me, I started stuttering, thinking and coming up blank for an alternate explanation to th situation. Thankfully, Salvatore saved me.

“Make me realize that you have one of the most wonderful chefs. That I should stay for lunch. Right Cassandra?” but when he opened his mouth, I rather wanted t kill him. He looked smugly at me, waiting for my response. As if I had a choice!

“Yeah, that.” I said dejectedly. All I wanted to do was stomp my foot and throw a tantrum right here, but dear god, I knew I couldn’t do that for the life of me. So  settled for pouting.

“Oh yes son, our Cassy is right. You should stay for lunch.” Oh, now he was son!

“I guess, if it’s not much trouble.” Of course it not! I thought sarcastically.

“Oh no, not at all honey.” Great, the wicked witch of the west just got another prey to sink her claws into.

“Uh, excuse me.” I muttered as I made my way towards the front door, fully planning on getting out of here, everything else be damned. Martina dismissed m without a second look while Salvatore looked at my so-called mother’s behavior and raised his eyebrows at me. I shook my head and made my exit, but stopped as  heard someone call for me.

“Cassy?” as my father stood there, looking at me with an irrational fear in his eyes. “Where are you going, hon?” he asked so sadly that I just couldn’t bring mysel to walk out on him. I sighed.

“I’m gonna make a call real quick, and then I’ll join you guys. How does that sound?” I gave him one of my best smiles.

“That sound about right.” He said, smiling in relief, though I could see the subtle signs of stress and exhaustion. I felt guilty.

“Kay, see you in a few.” He nodded as he went to join the rest. I quickly slipped out and called Naina, noting that I had a few missed calls from Ruby, my boss.  made a mental note to call her later. Thankfully, Naina picked up on the second ring.


Cassy? Hon, what’s wrong?” she asked in a concerned voice, detecting the obvious distress in my tone.

“He’s here, Sims.”

Who Cassy?” there was an edge to her voice.

“Salvatore.” was all I had to say as I heard a gasp from the other end.

Sit tight, I’ll be there in a few.” I could already hear her scrambling up in haste.

“Thanks.” I said a lone tear slipped my cheek.

Oh, don’t you dare thank me, missy!” I smiled at her being all bossy on me.

“Alright, I’m hanging up now. Drive safely.” I said as I heard the light purr of the engine, aware of the fact that my advice is falling on deaf ears.

Whatever, see you in a few.” I was just about to hang up when she called for me.

And Cassy?


Be strong.” And with that the line went dead. I wiped my face and took a deep breath. I mustered my confidence and was about to turn the knob when I hear someone call me from behind.

“Cassy?” I turned around as my breath caught in my throat.

“Jeremy, hi.” I said, shocked.

Oh great! I thought sarcastically.

Sorry, I know this is small chapter but I am updating daily, literally! So please, cut me some slack !

Also, I would like to thank xoxoloveart, klcivinski and Wandely12 for their

support. Thank you guys; your votes and belief in me and my story are what

encourage me to get my lazy ass up and in front of the computer! ;)

Please vote and comment and I’ll keep up with the speedy updates!

Much Love,



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