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(Short note: Please do listen to the song during Cassandra's part. It

bought tears to my eyes.)


“Salvatore?” she asked hesitantly, as if afraid of my reaction. It was the first time

she had ever opened up to me and from the looks of it, she’s isn’t very comfortable

about it. Who would be? I mused, telling someone their family discarded them like

yesterdays newspaper is hard. Relieving the whole thing is harder. Yet, here she sat,

right by my side, re-telling me the tale of her life with her head held high and a

streak of fierceness in her eyes. The only indication that it affects her are the tears

streaming down her cheeks and the occasional trembling of her lips as she spoke.

I loved her, that I was sure of. But now, I loved her even more. This girl, this

stupid, beautiful, brave girl is my wife and I’m proud of her. She didn’t cover or cry,

yelling at the god ‘Why me!’ but she stood up and face it with her everything. Made

something of herself.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I noticed her staring at me wryly, like I’m

about to give her a death sentence.

“I don’t know how, but I love you even more.” I said, lightly kissing her forehead.

“Y-you l-love me?” She asked, stunned. It still astounds me of how naïve she is.

How can she not see that I had fallen in love with her when I saw her for the very

first time in that bar. I didn’t know what it was at that time, but somewhere in the

back of my mind, I had vowed that I will make her mine, no matter what. What all

happened was unfortunate but I can never bring myself to regret it for it gave me

her and our child. Everything I ever wanted, I have. Now, all I can pray is that may

god never take this away from me for I don’t know how I would survive if I wouldn’t

have her by my side.

“With my everything.” I replied without hesitation. Her face cleared of all the self

Drunken Mistake..........or not? #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now