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“Home, sweet home.” Naina muttered as I entered my apartment. After breakfast,

I asked Salvatore if I could go back with Naina, to which he reluctantly agreed. I

said goodbye to everyone, and the rest is history.

“Hey don’t forget your meds, or you dearest hubby is going to have my head for

lunch.” I rolled my eyes. Salvatore was getting way to protective over nothing, but I

wasn’t about to argue with him on this.

“What did you tell dad?” I had totally forgotten about dad.

“I just told him that you had gotten an urgent call from work and had to go.”

Naina answered as she took out my meds.

“Wasn’t Jeremy there?” I asked, confused.

“Oh, he cooperated.” I smiled. Even when we were dating, Jeremy was afraid of

Naina. I could only imagine the threat Naina had hung over his head for him to be

her partner in crime. “Here.” She said, handling me a blue and two orange pills

along with a glass of water. I made a face. “Cassy, don’t make me call Salvatore.” At

this I quickly took the pills from her hand and gulped them down, all at once.

“Finished.” I chocked, afraid she would call him.

“Ha-ha, you should’ve seen your face. Priceless.” She gasped out between her

laughs. I smacked her arm lightly.

“I’m going to work.” I sulked. It was almost 9 and there was nothing for me to do

at home.

“No way missy. You need rest.” She said in a stern voice.

“Please Sims, Ruby’s going to kick me off the curb.” I pleaded.

“Fine, but if Salvatore got the wind of it, you’re taking the blame.” Jeepers! Look

at us, afraid of the highty – mighty Salvatore. I thought sarcastically.

 “Fine, whatever.” I said as I took my purse out of the closet and proceeded to stuff

it with things I would need.

“Bye!” I called out as I took the spare from the bowl and locked the door behind

me. I heard a faint ‘Have a good day!’ I smiled and shook my head.

I know, I know! Useless chapters! But trust me, they were necessary in

order to form a base for the story!

Don’t worry, we’re just getting started! J

Another chapter would be up in sometime. You wouldn’t want to miss that

one for it is where the main story starts!

Thanks to VidhiPatel , xAMERx , Princess_Slave , ICONicgirlx100 and

SandraLopez for their support!

Fan, vote and comment!

Much love,



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