Minutes Later

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Minutes Later


“Cassandra, sweetheart……” I started but the words got stuck in my throat at the

haunted expression on her face. Her skin had paled to a frightening shade of white,

while her eyes were wide in fear. She was a picture of someone who had seen a

ghost or perhaps a demon from the past. Whatever it was, it was scaring the hell out

of me.

Just then, Samantha rushed to Cassandra’s side. I gave her a grateful smile. I

gently eased Cassandra on the nearest sofa. Samantha gave her some sedative to

put her to sleep so that she could cope up better.

“She has gone into shock because of something that happened in there.” She said

quietly after getting a thorough look at her. I nodded.

“What can I do?” I almost begged her. She looked at me with compassion.

“Take her away from here. Far away.” She said looking at my wife.

“I will, but….” I trailed off, not knowing how to approach the subject.

“The baby will be fine, just don’t let her stress, at all.” She said pointedly. I readily

nodded, knowing I would do anything for her.

She wrote some pills for sleep troubles.

“Thank you, more than you know.” I said as I picked Cassandra who was now

peacefully asleep but there was still something dark, scary in her solemn expression.

“Just give her some time.” Samantha said, as she lightly patted my shoulder. I

gently eased Cassandra on the seat and got in myself, positioning us so that

Cassandra’s head rested on my lap. I sighed, slowly stroking her hairs. I looked

outside the window only to catch a glimpse of an advertisement and an idea hit me

full force. I pulled out my cell.

“Get the plane ready.”

Small chapter, I know but this is kind of a filler chapter.

Again, I wanna apologize to everyone for the delay and for being so

distant. Major shocks do that to you.

Next chapter will be up by Sunday or Monday.


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