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“Naina called.” He said, trying to make the silence go away.

“Yeah, what did she say?” I asked, going along, though my mind was wandering


“Asked about you.” I nodded but didn’t say anything. Suddenly, the car stopped. I

looked at him in confusion. “We’re home.” He said slowly, as if explaining to a child.

I looked around and realized that we were outside Salvatore's apartment. Not

having energy to argue, I opened the door and stepped out without saying a word.

Salvatore silently followed me. The doorman smiled at us, I tried to reciprocate. The

elevator doors opened and we stepped inside. Salvatore quickly punched his code.

The entire ride was silent. When we reached his floor, the elevator dinged, and I

stepped out. I was in the hall, going towards the bedroom when Salvatore gently

grasped my wrist, effectively stopping me.

“What, Salvatore?” I asked in a defeated voice, without turning back. His hands

left my wrist as they grasped my shoulders and turned me around to meet his

concerned gaze.

“Talk to me, Cassandra.” He pleaded.

“Didn’t I already?” I said in a faraway voice. I didn’t know what happened back

there in the hospital. Even after all the years of strict self-control, I just couldn’t stop

myself. The water was way above the limit, the floodgates had to open. But what

bothered me the most is that instead of taking out the excess water, I pretty much

emptied the whole lake. I shook my head at my analogy. Pathetic.

I sighed and looked up to meet his gaze. No point in delaying the inevitable.

“So where does this leaves us?” I finally gathered my wits and asked the question

that had been clouding over since we left the hospital premises.

“Where we were, just a little bit ahead.” He said, trying to make some sense.

Despite myself, I gave a small smile. It seemed to do wonders with Salvatore's mood,

as his face split into one of his signature smiles. Unable to help myself, I came

forward and wound my hands around his neck. I bought his head down and captured

his lips in a sweet kiss. My actions took him by surprise but he started responding

shortly after as he wound his arms around my waist and pulled me to him. I broke

the kiss, but instead of putting distance between us, I bought my hands down to his

shoulders and hugged his tall, muscular frame. His hands on my waist bought me

even closer to him as I buried my head in his chest while he stroked my hairs.

“We’ll figure it out.” He said as his chin rested on the top of my head.

“Together.” I added.

“ Sì Tesoro (Yes sweetheart) , together.”

Sorry for the delayed updates! Things at work are finally starting to get

better, so I can promise you an early update! I know this chapter is small,

but please bear with me!

Thanks to xAMERx , AnaMarrero , VidhiPatel , DanielleMcGilloway ,

DrakeLovesMe and KammyN for their rock-solid belief in me! I can’t thank

you enough!

Lastly, please vote, fan and review!

Much love,



Drunken Mistake..........or not? #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now