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I wiped my tears, hoping he wouldn't see them.

"So, I'm not the only one who you've run out on, eh?" he said in a mocking tone, but I could

hear the underlying concern in it.

"Yea, I guess not." I tried my best to match him, but failed.

"So, when are you going to tell them?" he said, changing the subject.

"Tell them what?" I asked, somewhat distracted.

"That we're married." Alright, now that had my full attention.

"Wow, wait! We're not going to tell them about it. Not now, not ever." I stopped but didn't turn

around. "Besides, it's not going to matter after sometime." I muttered as I started walking again.

"What do you mean?" he asked with an edge to his voice.

"What I mean is that we're gonna get divorced soon, so it won't matter....." but I trailed off as he

suddenly grabbed my wrist and spun me around.

"Who said anything about getting a divorce?" he was seething in anger by now.

"Well, since we, um, did, uh, you-know-what," I blushed but continued "so we can't get an

annulment, so getting a divorce is our next best option." I calmly explained. I heard distant

footsteps. I tried to pull away. "Let go, someone's coming." I whispered as I tried harder. He

simply opened the nearest door and shoved me inside. I almost fell from being pushed so hard,

but somehow managed to stay upright. I turned and glared at him only to realize that he had

locked the door. "What do you think you are doing?" I whisper – yelled at him, but he ignored


"What do you mean by getting a divorce, Cassandra?" Oh god, would it be wrong if I say I like

the way he says my name...?

"Uh, what about it?" I was still confused by the direction he was going onto.

"Cassandra, let me clear out one thing. We're not getting a divorce." It was like a dropped a

bucket of cold water over my head.

"What! You can't be serious!' now it was my turn to be angry. "We were drunk and it was a

mistake!" this time I yelled. He opened his mouth to retaliate but Martina's screechy voice cut

him off.

"Cassandra! Where are you?" I was never in my life ever so happy to her banter. I put a hand

over Salvatore's mouth as I pleaded with him to stay quite. Surprisingly, he obeyed.

"Damn!" I muttered as I put my ear on the door, trying to listen to Martina's footsteps. I sighed

in relief as I heard them getting distant. I slowly unlocked the door, careful not to make too much

noise, and slowly opened it and peeked out. "Alright, coast clear." I whispered as I opened the

door for him to pass.

"Did you just say coast cle....." he looked at me in amusement, anger forgotten.

"Yea, yea I did. Now come on, before she comes back." I whispered urgently as I took him by

the hand and forced him out the door. We were just about to reach for the stairs when Marcie

called for me.

"Cassy!" I groaned. Salvatore looked at me while trying to, rather unsuccessfully, suppress a

smile. I briefly stuck my tongue out at him and turned around with a fake smile plastered on my


"Marcie, hey!" I said with mock enthusiasm. Salvatore scoffed besides me; I elbowed him in the

chest. Marcie's gaze followed my movements as she raised an eyebrow at me.

"And who might this be?" she asked in a tone that was supposed to be flirtatious but ended up

being annoying, screechy just like her mother.

"Marcie this is Mr. Salvatore Giordano, Salvatore this is my step-sister Marcie." I emphasized on

the word step. Salvatore's knowing gaze met mine.

"Mr. Giordano, hi!" she said enthusiastically as she extended her hand towards him. Salvatore

lightly grasped it, but unlike mine, just gave it a little shake and the dropped it, much to Marcie's


"Marcie, Martina was just looking for you. She said the dress designer is here." I lied effortlessly

as she started leering at Salvatore.

I'd be damned if I let Marcie take him from me. He's my husband for god's sake!

Wow, wait! Husband! The thought passed through my head even before I could control it.

Thankfully, Salvatore's voice pulled me out of my musing.

"I'm sorry, if I'm keeping you from something." He politely told Marcie to get the hell out of

here, but she obviously mistook it for a complement. I decided to rescue him.

"Oh no, Marcie's getting married this weekend. That's just the dress designer." I said smugly,

much to Marcie's horror.

"Oh, well my congratulations." He said with a smirk of his own. Marcie was blushing

profoundly at being caught. I gently took Salvatore's hand in mine and steered him downstairs

with me.

"You go ahead Marcie, I'll help Salvatore." I called behind me as I dragged a surprised Salvatore

from a shocked Marcie.

Oh, this day just keeps getting better and better!

Drunken Mistake..........or not? #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now