Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Nataly

Chapter 1

Jamie's POV

As I was walking through the woods I heard a noise kinda like a growI. I looked around for any source that made that noise. nobody???weird.I decided to ignore it and take in the beautiful vast land.Trees everywhere the smell of pine tree filled my lungs as I inhaled.Whenever my dad got drunk or wouldn't come home I would come here to think or relax.The Woods. I felt a cold gust of wind hit me out of nowhere. I wrap my sweater tighter around my torso I felt as if someone was watching me I turned around and sure enough i saw 2 golden eyes staring right back at me.I blinked a couple times to make sure I wasn't imagining .I stopped and looked nothing was there .I suddenly felt scared I checked the time on my phone and saw 7:04pm.As I was making my way back home I heard someone calling my name I just thought I was hallucinating.I heard it again 'Jamie Jamie'.I got more scared so I started to run home.Clumsy as I am I got my ankle caught on a root of a tree.I fell and scraped my elbow I cried out in pain.I just laid there helpless holding my ankle.Part of my hair was in my face so I couldn't see who or what was walking towards me.I felt so small and useless compared to its height.I looked up and saw the same golden eyes.My mind wasn't thinking straight and my heartbeat increased.In the corner of my eye I saw a big branch/stick I quickly grabbed it and swung it at the unknown figure.I didn't know if I hit it or not I just ran ignoring the pain on my ankle and elbow.I kept running until I felt a strong arm grab my forearm and yank me back.I yelped and turned around.It pinned me to a tree I shut my eyes which made it mad and its grip on my forearm tighter.I whimpered "Please let me go" I whispered barely audible to hear."'It' took the hair off my right shoulder giving more access to my neck.I felt sharp almost like needles on my neck.Suddenly a sharp pain came from my neck I screamed and thrashed around trying to pry 'it' off me.I started feeling weak and light-headed as my blood was being drained away from my body.I ended up giving in and stopped.'it' finally let go and I fell to the ground.Helpless was all I felt.The last thing I heard was a "sorry"before I blacked out.

I jolted up and screamed.OMG that felt do real.Sweat covered my face I looked at the time 3:10am.I decided to get out of bed and go downstairs to get a glass of water.I went downstairs and saw a figure on the couch sleeping.Dad.That dream I had felt so real like it actually happend.O pressed my fingers on my neck .Nope it wasn't real.After I was done I put my glass in the sink and decided to watch some telly to get my mind off of things.I didn't want to wake up dad so I went to my room.In the middle of some stupid show I fell asleep.

A/N This is my first story sooo sorry if it sucks

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