Chapter 12

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   I quickly took a shower and put on the clothes he gave me ,they were a bit big but whatever.I went downstairs to the livingroom and saw Harry with popcorn in his hands watching some movie.He noticed me and said "Wanna watch a movie?" I didn't want to say no so I nodded my head.I sat down at the edge of the couch.He laughed

      "I'm not gonna hurt you,you can sit closer if you want"

  I sat a little closer we continued watching the movie.Around the middle of it I started getting sleepy I slowly felt myself drifting to sleep.

     I woke up feeling blankets on me.I sat up and saw I was in a room not the livingroom.Harry must've carried me here.I looked at the time 6:40a.m. Ugh I got school.I got up and noticed I had his clothes on still.

   I went downstairs and saw Harry on the couch shirtless all sprawled out.I laughed to myself.I looked around the livingroomaking sure I don't wake Harry.Yes found it I thought my clothes.I went to the bathroom to change.The SAME clothes o well!! I got out and checked the time 6:52a.m.I left a quick note to Harry saying "Thanks for everything -Jamie"and left.I didn't know what street I was on or where I was.I saw a Starbucks and went in and ordered Hot Chocolate.My phone vibrated.A Text.


   Do you know who's gonna be your partner???


    Nope....Do you :/

Hehe Allybear I remember when I gave Alex that nickname.I got up and headed out.I called the person I knew who would pick me up.Sarah.In about 3 rings she picked up. 

On Phone

S=Sarah J=Jamie

S Hello?

J o hey Sarah can you pick me up

S Ugh fine where are you??

J um outside Starbucks

S What street stupid!!

J Firebird

S ok bye

J by-I was cut off by her ending the call.Well Then...

   5 minutes she came .The car ride was awkward.We got off the car when we arrived we saw "the gang" which is:Zayn,Evelynn,Liam,Louis,Kia,Niall,Harry,and Jessica...WAIT WHAT JESSICA is hanging out with them.Thun Thun Thuuunn!!!!!!!


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