Chapter 3

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I finally arrived at school and got about10 min. to spare.I looked around its the same.Same kids in their same groups.Nerds,jocks,show offs,sluts,cheerleaders,badasses.Then you have people like me,the outcasts.I'm not a nerd or a slutty bimbo I'm simply a shy girl who gets bullied for no reason.Amber,one of the most annoying fake blonde bimbo,I have ever met.She gets with every guy there is.She's rich cos' her 'daddy' owns. a factory or something and her mum is a clothes designer.She is so fake fake hair,fake boobs,fake nails,she can be mistakened by a life-size Barbie.Speaking of her, here she comes with her gang following her.Gosh why can't she leave me alone.

"Hey Slut looking ugly as ever I see" she says but I just keep walking ignoring her.I guess that got her mad because she yells back

"I'm talking to you skank don't ignore me".

When I was about to turn around the bell rang.Ugh first period.

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