Chapter 11

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20 minutes passed and I finally asked                      "Where are we going?"

      He didn't look at me he just kept his eyes on the road.

   "My house."Why??

We stopped at a house.Harry opened the door for me and got his keys and opened the door.I almost forgot it was raining until I looked at my soaked clothes.

   "W-why am I-I h-here?"

    "Because your hurt,I don't know where you live and I can't leave you out there and it's raining"He said while letting me in.

   He told me to sit on the couch whilst he gets something.3 minutes later he came back with something in his hands.I gave him a questioning look,he smirked

  "Give me your arm"


  "So I can clean the cut and bandage it"he said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

  "ok"I gave him my arm

  "This might sting"What?

   "Wait wha-Ahhh" he poured it without explaining what the hell it was.Damn it stung he wiped it off and bandaged it with some gauze thing.The rain was still pouring but harder and some thunder too.

     "It's getting late and its raining I font think you should go home"??

   "You can just drive me"

   "I don't have enough gas"

I felt uneasy I mean I don't even know him he could rape me or worse kill me right?

   He chuckled a little and I scrunched my brows in confusion...well I agreed to it

   "So where am I going to sleep"

  "You can sleep on my bed I'll sleep on the couch "I can't its his house and he did save me "No its ok I can sleep on the couch"

   He smirked ??? O k "Or we can sleep together"Hell no!!!

     "NO"He laughed.

  I was still in my wet clothes Harry must have noticed "You can take a shower and I'll let you borrow some of my clothes" I nodded my head.

    I looked around confused "Where's your parents"

   He immediately tensed and his jaw clenched.Oops."I don't have any"

   "I'm sorry"he ignored me and went upstairs.I just stood there in the middle of the livingroom.He came back with clothes "Here,the bathroom is the third door to your left "he said pointing upstairs."Thanks"

As I made my way upstairs I thought of every thing that has happened.What if it wasn't harry that would've saved me?What if nobody saved me?I would've got raped?Why is Harry being so nice to me?He is so bipolar!

  I ignored my thoughts and walked in the bathroom.I just realized I'm gonna take a shower in one of the badboys house.Shit!

  What have I got myself into...


   I'll try to write more

            Thank you for reading


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