Chapter 14

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I sat down in the back like usual and put my head down.Mrs.Jones started talking about that project.I looked up and my eyes met with Harry's .?? Harry's in this class....Since when.

He creased his eyebrows.Ok..? he kept looking at me as if something was wrong.I felt weird so I looked back down.*Skip period*The bell rang WOOHOO!!!!

I got up and was about to leave when someone grabbed my hand.I turned around and saw Harry.

"Urm Hi...uh...."

"What Happened"What is he talking about


"Why do you have a red mark on your cheek" By now there were only 4-5 people still in class Amber included.

He reached out to touch it but I flinched away.A Flash of hurt was was in his eyes but disappeared.What Why??? Uh make a lie Jamie come on come on!!!!!

"Oh I uh....urm I fell and hit locker door whilst falling and uh yeah" Ok let's just say I was awful at lying!!!!

He looked unsure I gave him a quick smile and walked away."Jamie Wait!!"

On the corner of my eye I can see Amber and her skanks smirking.

(Sorry it was short)


Who got the One Direction movie!!!! 

     urm sorry haven't updated in a long time

But Thank you if you are reading my book :)


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