Chapter 13

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WTF!?!??! She saw me looking at her and smiled at me I glared at her.Sarah and I kept walking until we saw Alex and Scarlett at our table.We sat down and it was a pause until Alex spoke "Where's Jessica?"

  "She's hanging out with her new friends"

I looked up and saw Jessica walking up to us."Hey Guys!"




"Why are you here"I said

She looked a little taken back by my outburst.

"Because I want to hang out with my friends"

"Then go hangout with them"I say pointing towards 'them'

Jessica glared "Why dont you like them they're nice"

I sighed loud "It's not that I don't like them its just they...."

Come on Jamie THINK

I thought about it and just shrugged

The Bell Rang yess saved by the bell!!!

I got up and went to 1st period


The whole period was boring with Miss What's-her-face talking I just blocked her until she said my name What


"I said What Is The Right System"

she said pointing towards the board O Crap

"The right system is"

I was cut by the bell yay.I got up ,got my stuff and left.

I started walking to my locker to get my phone.Whilst I was walking I heard laughter so I followed it...stalker much!

I reached the end and saw Niall and Jessica.The were headed towards the exit They were ditching.

As I was turning around I bumped into someone "hey watch where you're going!!" a high pitched voice said.Amber.

She Looked so funny I tried so hard not to laugh.She wore a pink shirt with a lot of ruffles and a big sparkly tutu and 4-5 inch heels

I couldn't take it anymore and burst out laughing.She gave me a glare."What are you laughing at!"

"Your outfit what else"

she huffed and slapped me Bitch"What the hell man"

"Don't laugh at me Skank"

I pushed her out the way she lost her balance a little but regained it."whatever"

I mumbled.My cheek hurt like hell.

By the time I went to my locker the bell rang .Ugh.


Hey guys I am so sorry I haven't updated been busy with a lot of shit hope you liked this chapter..:)


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