Chapter 6

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lunch.Lunch is when Amber laughs at me.I grab an apple and water and head to my favorite table.I put my earphones on and take a bite of my apple.In the corner of my eye I can see Amber trying to flirt with Harry.He looks annoyed Aww poor harry he has to listen to her.

He caught me looking and gave me a quick smile,but I just smirked.He glared at me and continued listening to Amber.I felt someone sitting next to me?I turned and saw a girl with black hair smiling at me.Okay this is weird.

"Urm...can I help you" she just smiled and said "oops silly me,I forgot to introduce myself I'm Jessica Hilton" she had an American accent.

She was beautiful her black hair was curled at the end and she had big blue eyes.

"Urm.....yeah hi I'm Jamie" I shook her hand.

"Your not from here right??" Gosh I'm so stupid of course she's not she's American.She started laughing and I looked at her weirdly "What?"

"You just said that out loud"Oh..

"Not to be rude ,but why are you sitting next to me??"she smiled and replied"Ashton told me to 'hang out' with you" I just nodded.

Ashton Irwin,he is my best friend...well one of them.He is a duh!! and he has the cutest dimples.Me and him were friends since primary school.Besides Ashton theirs Sarah,Alex,and Scarlett.Yeah I'm not that popular...

Sarah Mallette,Canadian,green eyes,Brown hair with pink highlights.Then their Alex.

Alex Devine she's British and funny.She has ocean blue eyes and long brown hair.Last but not least Scarlett.

Scarlett James She's American she has Brown hair and hazel eyes.

Anyways back to Jessica."so Urm how do you know Ashton?"

"he's my cousin "

"he never mentions you?"

she looked mad "its because he doesn't like me"oh...

"where is he now"

she thought for a minute before replying

"I don't really know...sorry"

I just nodded.

She started talking about random shit so I put my earbuds on.Few minutes l saw her staring at something or someone.I took my earbuds out and asked her.

"what the hell are you looking at??"

she blushed said "Niall" and looked down.

"Wait Niall,as in Niall Bloody Horan"

she nodded.

Speaking of Niall here he comes..

Sorry I took long to update..:)

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