Chapter 19

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After 20 minutes of watching Friends I heard a knock on the door.I ran to it and opened it and smiled,but instead of seeing one figure I saw two.O great she brought Louis.Louis frowned a bit but replaced it with a smirk.Alex squealed and held movies in her hands

"I brought movies...Yay"

I fake smiled and let them in,I saw Louis was holding something.Hatchi.

   "Urm Alex can I talk to you....alone"I say

  "Sure"she said and jumped up ??? She looked at Louis then went to the kitchen with me.

"Why did you bring him?"

"I didn't he just called saying if I had plans and I said yes and he just sorta......followed"

"You didn't stop him!!!"

"Gosh Jamie stop being rude,maybe you need to get yourself a boyfriend so you won't be so mean and stubborn"What?!?

I am NOT.

"No I'm not!!"

"Yea you are"

"Whatever come on"

  We went back to the livingroom to find Louis on the couch with Hatchi on his lap.

   "Urm....So uhh what movies do you want to uh watch"Alex was abou to say something but Louis suddenly blurted out "What about something scary"Yea so you and Alex can cuddle together.No thank you!I thought in my head.



"How about Insidious?"They nodded and I put it on

    **40 minutes later**

Alex kept jumping and screaming whilst Louis just chuckled and cuddle up with her.I just cuddled with my pillow :-(.

They started kissing I almost gagged and threw popcorn

  "Eww get a room"Louis laughed and Alex rolled her eyes "So mature"

    About an hour later or whatever the movie ended and we put 21 Jump Street.

In the middle of the movie I got bored and decided to make pancakes :-)


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