Chapter 25

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I heard noise downstairs and went to check it out.

I. bit my lip and was already on the last step

I saw my dad

Breaking dishes and vases.I suddenly got mad

"What the hell are you doing?!"

He turned to ne and glared

"Shut up and go back upstairs"

I didn't though.I crossed my arms across my chest and stood my ground


He stopped and turned to me walking closer to me

"What did you say to me?"

"No"I say a bit louder this time.

He came at me putting his hands around my neck,Slowly taking away my oxygen.He tightened it.

I tried prying his disgusting hands off me.

I started losing my vision and seeing black dots everywhere

"Get off her Now!!!" a voice i didn't recognize yelled

My dad's grip on my neck loosened and he fell on the floor with an 'oomf'

I slid down a wall

I didn't pay attention to who the person that saved me was.

I was dealing with my breathing

The dark shadow came closer and bent down next to me

" It's ok Jamie Breathe,Jamie just breathe"It's voice was raspy and deep

"shh shh close your eyes"I obeyed and rested my head on the shadows lap.

I shot up and was panting hard.

"Jamie"I jumped and saw someone with me on the roof.I backed away and shook my head furiously.


The person reached for Me but I flinched away.

"It's me Adam"

I squinted my eyes and saw.His blonde hair.Blue eyes glowed like mum

"Adam?"I say a tear seeping out of my eye.

"But you're dead"

He smiled weakly and shook his head.

"Yes you are I saw you die right infront of me"I say more tears falling

"I'm dreaming"Isaid slowly.

I closed my eyes and opened them.

He was still there

I stood up making sure not to fall and went to hug him.When I was close enough I reached out and he came closer



I opened my eyes and groaned.Was all that a dream?


"Jamie have you seen Alex"

"who's this?"

"Alex's Boyfriend Louis"

"Oh no I haven't Seen her"


He hung up on me.I shrugged and looked around

it was dark and I was still outside.

I got in and went to sleep.....again.


I got woken up by my alarm.

I got up and did my morning routine.


I arrived at school and saw a Black Range Rover.


I went to first period and did the notes.Harry walked in ignoring the teacher scolding him and sat on the seat that was empty.

Next to me.

He put his head Down and everyone was looking at him.

"Harry?"no answer

"Harry" the teacher said a bit louder

He looked up and smirked.

"Yes Miss"

"Pay.Attention.Harry."she said turning back to the board.

He rolled his eyes and put his his down.Everyone looked back to the board.

I examined Harry

He had a grey jumper on with black skinnies along with black converse like mine.He also had a beanie on,some of his curls peeking out.I smiled.Gosh I sound like a freak!! I quickly looked away.On the corner of my eye I saw him look up and smirk.Like he knew i was staring.

After class


After class I was about to go when someone called me

"miss Edwards can I speak to you"Miss uhhh whatever called.I rolled my eyes and glanced to see Harry still here.

I thought she was gonna tell me about my slacking or something.

"Mr.Styles here is doing very bad and his grade is very low"Urm why should I care?

"And since you're one of my good students I wanted to ask you for a favor"

Oh no nonononono God please

"Would you be willing to help tutor Harry for me"

No no never Hell no

"Oh miss I'm sorry but I do-Please you're a great student" I looked over at Harry who was glaringat me.

I closed my eyes.

I am going to regret this.

"Yes Miss I would love too"

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