Chapter 5

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I checked the time and saw it was time for 3rd period.I got up and walked towards the exit.I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and bumped into somebody.I looked up and was met by emerald green eyes looking straight at me.

"Watch where your going next time"Rude!!

I said a quick "Sorry" and kept walking,English was next.I put my drawing book back in my locker and put my earphones on.As I was humming the song ,I saw people running.I guess the bell rang Yay!![note the sarcasm].I sat in the back and took my notebook out with a pencil and started doodling in it.

I felt like someone was watching me I looked up and saw the same emerald eyes I saw in the halls.I quickly looked away ,the teacher started talking about a lesson.Nothing I was concerned of.She kept talking until she said something about a partner project.I looked up WHAT?!!?! nooo I hate working with people because I end up doing the work.

Suddenly the door opened and a blonde boy walks in.Typical Niall always late to his classes.

"Sorry teach, I had to do some business",said Niall.

Niall horan,you can say he's the bad boy tattoos,piercing,excessive swearing typical.All the girls love him,me excluded

"Niall you have detention"Mrs.Jones said

"Whatever"he mumbled.

He saw me and smirked ,I rolled my eyes.He sat behind .Ugh why,the teacher continued the lesson.She said by the end of this week we need to pick a partner for the project.The bell rang.I got up but got stopped by a grasp on my hand.I turned around.Niall.

"Hey Jane you wanna be my partner for the project it will be fun ",he said and winked.

He even got my name wrong.

"Urm let me think about it......No"I yanked my arm away "And my name is Jamie"

I walked away, he always annoys me ever since 8th grade he would always bother me and make fun of me..anyways it was time for lunch ..

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