Chapter 8

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I say my goodbyes and start walking.I wasn't looking at where I was going and well tripped.Again....As I thought my face was about to be smashed,someone caught me.O thank God.I was about to say thank you but the person beat me to it

"God watch where your going your so damn clumsy" I looked up.Great it's him again.

"I didn't tell you to help me"

He glared at me and mumbled a "clumsy Bitch" before turning around .He thought I didn't hear but I did "twat" I said he turned around and pinned me to a nearby locker.My head hit the locker hard.Ouch.

Aww does Harry get mad if someone talks back.

"What did you say" he said and his eyes turned a darker shade of green .I would be Lying if I said he didn't look intimated . but I didn't show I was scared.

I looked him straight in the eyes and said "Are you deaf,you heard me" and smirked.

His grip on my arm got tighter .This was like my dream I had only its harry and not that creature.

"let go of me you prick I dont want to be late" he smirked

"I think its too late for that babe"Babe,Babe I am not his BABE.What the actual fuck man is he fricken bipolar one minute he's mad and scary the next he's cocky.

Boys ill never understand them....

I tried to let my leg loose so I can kick him.Luckily I did and I kicked him where the sun don't shine.I ran towards the restrooms.O well guess ill skip Music:\

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