Chapter 17

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*Double Update*

   I went to the locker rooms and quickly changed.Our class was in the Gym.The teacher what's-her-face blew the whistle

"Okay class today were playing.....Volleyball"There were some yays and boos.

I hate volleyball I always find a way to hit myself with the ball.We got into groups and I got Louis and Niall on my team YAY!! :( I hate my life

   *30 minutes later*

  Our team was winning so far and they haven't thrown the ball my direction yet.Louis had the ball and he spiked it to the other side and it hit a kid in the face.I started laughing and I couldn't stop I looked around and saw Niall laughing too whilst giving Louis a high-five.

The kid got up whilst holding his nose which was bleeding and that only made me and Niall laugh harder.The teacher had a stern look on her face and yelled at us "Jamie,Niall,and Lewis you have detention after school....I am very disappointed in you guys especially you Jamie"What pfft."It's Louis Not Lewis"

  Louis said through gritted teeth."Sorry LOUIS"Louis muttered something that sounded like 'Bitch' but I'm not sure.The bell rang.Great now I have detention with 'them'.As I was about to leave towards the locker rooms Niall said,"See ya after school Jane"

I flipped him off and left to change.When I was done I remembered I didn't know what room detention was in.I tried to look for Niall or Louis to ask but I only found Liam.

"Hey Liam where's urm..Louis"

  "He's over there"He said pointing to Lou in the corner."Thanks"

  I called his name and he turned around giving me a confused look.

  "You know just because we have detention together doesn't mean we're friends and besides I have a girlfriend sorry Bells" I huffed

"I don't care and I dont want to be your friend I just want to know what room we have detention in?!" "B-31" he said with a smirk.Dumbarse.:-) "Thanks"

Ugh next period here we go wait...its the last period yes!!!! I walked to it slowly until I heard the bell SHIT!! I ran quickly and sat down at my desk.Through half of the period I was daydreaming and drawing Angel wings.I put my head Dowm to rest and ended up falling asleep.


  I woke up to the bell.Oops I must've fell asleep through the whole period.Eh who could blame me.I got all my stuff and was heading towards the door until I remembered I had detention.Shit! I made my way to B-31.When I got in I noticed Louis,Niall,and other kids.I sat down in the back.I got my phone out and texted my crazy friend Carter




Wazz up


I have detention


HaHa :P mee 2

I looked around confused.I felt a vibration I checked my phone


Turn around :-)

I did and saw Carter making a funny face.I laughed and slapped her arm.

Carter.Well for starters she's really weird.One time she ate worms.anyways She has black Hair and big blue eyes that sparkle.She's Emo and she loves to draw.But she always gets in trouble because she plays pranks on teachers and does graffiti on the school walls.Me and Carter kept talking till the teacher came in.

  "Okay class you will be in here for an hour"Ugh an Hour!!!

  "Starting Now" I sighed loudly and put my head down.I closed my eyes and darkness overcame me...

Somebody woke me up by shaking me I mumbled a 'go away'

"Come on get up we can leave now"I looked up and saw Carter smiling.I got up and we left with each other.

"So where are you going"I asked her

"Uh to a party want to come" I'm not that much of a party girl heck no one ever invites me to one anyway.

"Who's is it??"

she thought for a moment

"Uhhh I think...Jade's" Eh nah I don't really know her "No its ok I rather cuddle with Loki"

"Your loss"she said turning the corner.




There is so many people at my house and its awkward typing this infront of them.Probably should go to my room...

Anyways MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE!!! I think I said that already?? o well

Louis is 22!! wow :-)

I dedicate this chapter to Nataly my crazy mofo  (Jellytots aha:D)........

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