Finally updated!!!!!!!

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I am so fucking sorry I haven't updated in like forever its just a lot of shit has been going on and I haven't been on Wattpad in a long time sooo. Yeah.

I'm gonna write a little right now I hope you like !!!!!!!!!!!


After class I was about to go when someone called me

"miss Edwards can I speak to you"Miss uhhh whatever called.I rolled my eyes and glanced to see Harry still here.

I thought she was gonna tell me about my slacking or something.

"Mr.Styles here is doing very bad and his grade is very low"Urm why should I care?

"And since you're one of my good students I wanted to ask you for a favor"

Oh no nonononono God please

"Would you be willing to help tutor Harry for me"

No no never Hell no

"Oh miss I'm sorry but I do-Please you're a great student" I looked over at Harry who was glaringat me.

I closed my eyes.

I am going to regret this.

"Yes Miss I would love too"

• • • • • •

She nods and smiles whilst I'm mentally stabbing myself with a fork.

"Great thank so much Ms.Edwards"she says picking up a stack of papers and putting them in her drawer.

I nod my head and walk to the door.

I hear a loud screech and footsteps behind me

"Bye Mr.styles"

"Whatever" he says in a low tone.

I open the door and made a right but whilst doing that I harshly get pushed to the wall.

"What's your pro- "Why'd you say you'll do it God are you stupid" Harry says glaring at me and tightening his grip on my shoulders

It takes everything I have in me to not wince

"Its not my fault you're such a dumbass"I say bravely

Where the hell is this confidence coming from?

His eyes blackened for a second then he let me go and left.

I grabbed my shoulder and rubbed it. What a dick!.


Anyways.I had a free period so I decided to go somewhere.

   I grabbed my bag and put it on my sore shoulder and ran to the door trying to not get caught .I opened the door and went up the many stairs. I smiled as I saw I was on the top of the school.

  I threw my bag over and pushed myself up. When I was little I was scared of heights and now I'm not which is really weird.

  I closed my eyes and let the sun hit me in the face. But soon ended when I heard someone clear their throat.

  I blushed and opened my eyes. There standing was Zayn in a leather jacket and black skinnies. He had a cigarette in one hand and had his sunglasses on.

       He smirked "Hey Jamie" he spoke taking another drag.

   "Hi Zayn"I say boredly. "What are you doing up here babe" he asks stepping on his cigarette with his clattered boot.

    I shrug then sit down on the cement."I dunno I have a free period and wanted some alone time" I answer.

   He laughs and sits next to me.

  "Yeah me too I just need some time alone without people ya know"he says looking at me with his caramel eyes I nod and exhale loudly.

    I decided to ask him a question I've been dying to ask.

   "Why'd you change?"

He stays quiet and I decide that he wouldn't answer until he sighs

    "I really have no logical good answer. I mean I could lie to you or just keep refusing to answer but I don't have an answer." I look at him and half smile.

  "I just. ugh I just wanted to be different Jamie and hang with cool people. I wanted to be somebody in control. somebody that people were afraid of . I was sick of being pushed around" he says shaking his head

  "And I know I did alot of stupid shit like blocking you out my life and I'm terribly sorry for that Jamie I guess I wasn't thinking straight I was selfish" he finishes and looks Luke he's about to cry.

    I scoot closer to him and wrap my arms around him slowly. He quickly wraps his arms around my waist and I hear him sniffle.

  We stay like this for awhile until he broke the silence. "Evelynn broke up with me" his voice cracking as he said those words,"She didn't like me she said she never did she only did because Niall told her to he told her I've been single and needed someone" he said looking at me.I frowned and hugged him tighter.

   We've stood up there until it was time to go.

    "The bell is going to ring Zayn we should go"I say moving his head from my lap and getting my bag.

    "Fuck this place. Let's ditch"he says boredly getting up dusting his pants off.

     I think about it for awhile ehh it won't hurt to ditch

   "Why not?" I say

   he gets up and smiles"Let's go to Ricks"he says and I nod.

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