Chapter 22

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My alarm went off  Why??? I hate School

  I got up and tripped over something Wow what a great way to start a morning :-) .I stood up and saw the thing I tripped over moving.Alex.

  I started to kick her.

"Ahh get away I'm up"I laughed

"Get up Fatarse or we're gonna be late"

I went in the bathroom brushed my teeth,took a shower,did my hair and got out.I put my Rolling Stones shirt,and some black jeans with my Red Converse.It looked cold outside so I put my black hoodie.Alex came out and changed into a red and black button up shirt and dark blue jeans with her black converse.

   "Uhh you done?"I asked

"Yeah just need t drop off Hatchi and we can go to hell"

"We have to walk cos I do-"

"Yeah i already called Josh"she said cutting me off.

We heard a honk indicating that we had to leave.Alex called Hatchi ans carried her I left food for Loki and we got in the car.

We dropped Hatchi off and Josh drove us to school.(Josh is Alex's brother if you didn't know)

"So where's Louis"

"Oh I don't know he forgot t call me"

"Yeah forgot"I mumbled but she heard.

"Shut up Jamie!!"

I rolled my eyes just as the bell rang.I walked to first period and sat in my seat.I closed my eyes a little bit and suddenly felt a presence next to me.I re opened my eyes and was net by ocean blue ones.Niall."hey Jane how's it going"he said with a stupid smirk in his face.I know I was overreacting but come on!!! he's been doing this for what 1and a half years now!!

"My name is JAMIE not Jane"

"Whatever its not like anyone would care enough to remember you name"

That's it.I got up and slapped him in the face.His face turned the other way from the impact.He put his hand on his cheek and turned towards me.When his eyes met mine they darkened.I regret it!

goodbye world I won't miss you."You little Bitch"

The bell rang and the teacher came in

"Class take your seats immediately"Niall glared at me and sat with the rest of the class who just saw that little scene.

   The teacher began on a new lesson but I wasn't paying attention I was too worried about what Niall was gonna do.

Soon the bell rang.Noooooo please noo don't :(

, I quickly got my things,shoved them in my bag and rushed towards the library.I saw the door and I smiled but it soon faded when I got smashed into a locker.Fuck."Fucking shit man can't you see I'm in a rush" I said and barely noticed it was Niall and he wasn't very happy oh crap

"Now tell me?? why are you in a rush Jamie?"He said and tightened his grip on my hand.

  "Let me go Niall this isn't funny"

"Who said I was laughing"he said and once again his eyes were black.I let my other arm loose and punched him,well tried to...He grabbed it and twist it.

I yelped in pain and tears started to form.

Why isn't anyone seeing this?

"Get the fuck off her Niall"a deep voice said behind us.


Hey guys I'm sorry god,I suck at updating ughhh I am truly sorry barely notice I apologize a lot :/

anyways ...IT'S ZAYN'S BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!:D YAY(well in America)





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