Chapter 4

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As I was walking through the busy hallways.I heard people talking about a new student.

"he's so hot"

"I heard he's been to jail 4 times"

"I heard he was in a band until he killed one of the members"

"I heard he's British"

"I like him cos' he has a bad boy image"

Those were just some thingsi heard from people.I got to Science and took a seat in the back of the class.

When Everyone was seated the teacher Mrs. Briggs, spoke

"Okay class if you didn't know we have a new student" she pointed to the door a boy with curly hair came into view.

"Harry.Harry Styles" she continued.

He had tattoos up and down his arms,a lip piercing,an eyebrow piercing on both eyebrows.His mess of curls flopped to the side almost like a quiff and you can see he had eyeliner around his emerald green eyes.He wore a loose black band shirt that read 'Ramones' along with some black skinny jeans and White converse.His image looked dangerous,but I don't judge people.

We made eye contact for a second before he looked away smirking me blushing for an unknown reason.

"You can sit wherever makes you comfortable " Mrs.Briggs said.He did a quick nod and looked around and walked past me .He sat 2 chairs away from me.

The whole period was boring .The bell rang and I had a free period I went to my locker and got my drawing book.I went to the library and put my earphones on while I drew.

Soooo this is Chapter 4 sorry :\

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