Chapter 18

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Whilst I was walking my phone vibrated.I looked at it and saw I got a text.


Watch out Skank ~A~

What is this Pretty Little Liars??

I ignored it and put my phone back and kept walking.

The only reason why I walk is because I dont have a car....but I'm saving up for one.

I finally arrived ay my house.I took off my shoes and Called Loki he came,wagged his tail and followed me to my room.I decided to take a shower I got all my stuff and went to the bathroom.I peeled my clothes off and went in.


I got out and put my PJs on with my fluffy socks.I went downstairs and fed Loki then did my stupid homework.After an hour I was finally done.I barely remembered Alex.I ran upstairs and got my phone


In my room alone:(....why??


Wanna come over?...


Sure give me 10minutes :-)

Yay I have a movie buddy!!!!

Another Vibrate


Can I bring Hatchi???



Hatchi is her dog Josh,her brother,got het for her birthday.

I got some movies and a bunch of candy and got ready for Alex..


Sorry it was short...

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