Chapter 24

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Jamie's POV


didn't want to go to that stupid game,so I went home.

As I was opening the door my phone rang.I pushed the door open and shut it after.I checked the caller I said Unknown?


"H-Hi" Oh it was Jessica

"Hiiiiiiii Jessica how did you get my number"

"Alex gave it to me" she said quickly.

Alex doesn't like Jessica?

"Oh urm ok uhh whats up?"

"Oh urm..."I heard her mutter something on the other end before continuing"Look Jamie I'm sorry for-...for everything"she said

I rolled my eyes

"No It's ok I'm sorry for overreacting,I'm stupid"I say laughing a little

she laughed along

"S-So friends?"

"No Jessica"

"W-What"she sounded like she was about to cry.I burst out laughing."I'm kidding of course"

"Oh"she said.

"Are ya gonna go to t'game?" she asks you can hear loud music in the background and someone trying to sing along,failing miserably.

"Nah I'm staying home ; are ya"

"Yea um going with Ni-JESSICA HAVE YOU SEEN MY JUMPER I LEFT IT HERE"someone interrupted her Hey?it kinda sounded like"NIALL I AM ON THE PHONE IT'S RIGHT THERE DUMB ASS"she shouted back "Haha yea sorry Niall hehe"

"You and Niall huh?"I say smirking even though she can't see it


She sighed

"Bye Jamie talk later"

"Byeeee" I say ending the call.

A bark came from the kitchen and I jumped.


He kept barking and barking.

"Shut it Loki I'm doin homework"

He didn't listen and kept barking.

I got up and walked to the kitchen

"Loki wha-" I stopped talking and stood wide eyed.

It was him

the man from last time.

Standing there with a smirk on his face

I closed my eyes and reopened them and saw nobody?

I started to shake What the hell is going on?

Loki seemed confused and ran out the kitchen somewhere else.I ran upstairs and took my phone out




"Heeeeeeeeelllllllllloooooooooooooo"I sighed loudly

"Carter are you drunk?!!"

"Yes hehehe I'm with my boyfriend right Scott"



"Urm Hii"

"Oh ok Hi I'm Scott Carter's boyfriend"

"Ok ...I uh urm ok just tell Carter I called when she's sober"I say hanging up.

I breathe in once more before going back to my homework



I smile and go on my roof to think.

What the hell was that man doing in my kitchen?Was I imagining it?How did he get in?Was is he stalking me?He looked familiar......kinda like,Adam!!!!


Heeeey guys I FINALLY UPDATED!!!!!!!!!!


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