Chapter 2

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My stupid alarm woke me up.Ugh school I hate school.I got up and dragged myself to the bathroom I decided to take a shower.I brushed my teeth and stripped off my clothes.I hopped in the shower... 

I got out and dried my hair and plugged my curling iron on.I decided on wearing some plain black jeans with a long sleeved black and white striped shirt and my black converse.I curled my hair and put a beanie on.I walked downstairs grabbed an apple on the way out and said goodbye to my dad ,not that he would care anyways.I began my walk to School.Hall Cross High.

Oops forgot to introduce myself sorry. 

I'm Jamie Edwards,I'm 17 years old.I have Dark brown almost black hair that goes mid back.I have dull blue eyes and freckles on my nose and cheekbones.I go to Hall Cross High in Doncaster.I'm Irish/Australian born in Australia,raised in Ireland,and moved to London.I live with my dad I had a brother but he died when I was 4.


"Mum can we get icecream." Adam my older brother asked. 

"Sure" my brother and I smiled at each other.We just came back from the fair and had so much fun.I got a red balloon and Adam won a blue monkey.We were gonna cross the street. 

"Okay Adam hold your sister's hand" mum said He held my hand tight. 

I heard a honk and it scared me ,I accidentally let my balloon go and it flew to the busy street.Adam tried to get it for me. 

Everything was such a blur.My mum screamed for him to watch out and outta nowhere 2 big lights came into view with the sound of a loud honk.It happend so fast ,One moment he's trying to get my balloon ,the next he's on the floor covered in blood.That was the day my older brother,Adam Edwards, died right infront of me. 

«End of Flashback» 

I didn't notice I was crying until I felt tears falling from my cheeks.It's all my fault,if I wouldn't have let go of the balloon he would still be here. 

And for my mum she died of cancer 3 years after Adam died.I loved them so much.My Dad doesn't act like one.He gets drunk all the time and he's never really home and when he is he doesn't pay attention to me.He can careless if tidied or left.Sometimes when I'm home he would come home drunk and get mad and trash the house. 

Guess who had to pick it up! 

I remembered when we were a happy family...

sooo this is Chapter 2

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