Chapter 9

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  sorry didn't update been busy..

Here's chapter 9


I decided to go home because I was just tired.I went to the nurse told them I was sick,they believed it...Stupid nurses.As I was walking home I saw Harry and Zayn walking towards a car.Guess they're ditching,Wait since when did Harry become friends with Zayn.Whatever.

   I put my earbuds on and hummed to Ed Sheeran's lovely voice.I was to into the song I didn't pay attention to where I was going.Ugh!!! wrong turn.I walked the right way this time and finally got to my house.I looked around and saw a note on the island in my kitchen.I picked it up and read it.

  I left and I won't be back till Thursday make sure the house is clean you worthless child

wow I love you too.He probably won't be back till like 3 weeks or something.I threw it away and called for Loki my dog.He came and wagged his tail.I fed him and went upstairs to do some of my homework.When I was done I checked the time 3:45pm.I decided I'll go to my place the woods.I grabbed my jumper,notebook,and phone.My phone had only like 37% battery o well.I grabbed a granola bar and left.It was windy and gloomy ugh stupid Britain weather.I put my jumper on and began to walk to the woods.*25 minutes later* I arrived and saw a perfect image

to draw,I took my notebook out and began to draw.


I think it took like 2 hours but it was worth it.It was beautiful...I looked at the time 5:55pm wow that long okay.I stayed a little longer just relaxing.6:10pm my phone read I decided to head back home.It was darker so it was harder to see.I began to make my way Through The Dark [sorry I had to ;)]

  Sorry I was busy with school and everything I'll try to update more :)

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