Chapter 21

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"Urm it was fun hanging out but I have to go"Louis said

  "Okay thanks for coming"I smile "Wait what about your shirt"I say pointing to his shirt that was full of whipped cream.

   "Its ok but thanks"

"Okay well bye babe"Alex said and he kissed her and said he'll call her.

Once he left Alex faced me

   "So you wanna go to bed or..."she trailed

"We have to clean this first Stupid"She put her hand over her heart acting like she was hurt."Ouch"

I hugged her and we started picking up the mess

    *10 minutes later*

"We are DONE yay!!"

"Now we can sleep"she said.

I got my pillow and we made our way towards my room.We got there and saw Loki was there Alex changed into her shorts.I was about to turn off the lights when I remember the window.I walked over to it and gasped at what I saw outside.

   "What's wrong"Alex said and looked outside.What I saw was a figure wearing all black looking straight at us with a smirk on his face.He had bright Purple eyes.

Alex quickly shut the window and closed the curtains.

  I started breathing faster and felt my hands start to sweat.

   "Hey Hey It's ok Jamie"Alex said and hugged me.I nodded my head and tried to ignore it.I played down and wrapped the blanket around me tighter whilst Alex turned the lights out.Hatchi and Loki were cuddled together at the end of the bed.

    I had a feeling that ,that wasn't gonna be the last time I saw him.I shook off the feeling I had in my stomach and let sleep take over me.


Yay!!! I updated

   sorry :-)


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