Chapter 10

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As I was walking down the street I heard footsteps behind me.I got freaked out and walked a little faster.The footsteps got louder I was about to turn around to see who it was but got shoved in an alley and pinned to a wall.My head hit the wall Ouch again! I knew it wasn't Harry this time although it was dark I can tell this man was short and stubby.

    "Hey baby" his breath smelt of liquor gross!!

   "Maybe we can have some fun you and me" O My God no


  I was cut off by his hand on my mouth.Ugh I bite him

"Ahh you bitch" he slapped me.I felt tears start to form.I tried to kick and hit him but he put all his weight on me.I screamed again.

  He took out a pocketknife

  "Now If you don't want to get hurt I suggest you shut up" My eyes widened and I stopped.He started kissing my neck Nooo I hit him, he got mad and slashed my arm.At this point I was crying I didn't even notice it was raining.I shut my eyes and gave up.I felt the man off of me and I opened my eyes and saw 2 dark figures one on top of the other.I tried to see who it was.I tried I squinted and saw a familiar head of curls.O MY GOD IT WAS HARRY.

Harry's POV

(10 minutes earlier)

I was at the pub getting a few drinks with my mates.Just talking.I went outside to have a smoke.I pulled out a lighter and a pack of cigarettes.I took a few puffs.It started to rain,not a lot.I stayed outside for a bit.

   I stepped on my cigarette and went inside,"Imma start leaving mate"I told Chase

  "Ok see later Harold"he smirked

I flipped him off and left.As I was walking I heard crying and screaming.I ignored it and just thought it was the rain or something fucking with me.I put my hands in my pockets and kept walking until I heard it again it was louder than last time.I turned the corner and saw an alley with 2 dark figures.One was crying I got a little closer and realized it was the girl that always bumps into me.Something clicked in me and I became Angry.I pulled the man off her and punched his face,he fell back and I got on top of him.I kept punching him with so much force.I was mad for an unknown reason I don't even know her that well.I snapped out of my trance when I felt a small hand on my shoulder.

  "Harry stop your gonna kill him"

  "He deserves it"

   Jamie's POV

  "Harry stop your gonna kill him"

   "He deserves it"

  Harry kept punching him.I pulled his arm and surprisingly he look at me.

"Please Harry,look I'm fine see"I said extending my arms.He looked at my arm I looked too and saw a slash on it.

  "No your not fine"he said through gritted teeth he got off the man that was unconscious and grabbed my other arm.

  "Where are we going?"

  "To my car"

"Why??" "Don't worry about it "

  Fine jeez,we were infront of a car which I assumed was his.He opened the passenger door for me

  "Thanks" he nodded his head

He got in and looked at me I looked down

  "Here wrap this around it and put pressure" he said handing me a shirt from the back of his car .

  I wrapped it around my arm and put pressure on it Ahh it hurt like hell.He started the car and drove off somewhere??

Thank you for reading my book :)

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