Chapter One

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Day One

"Reed?" Whitney calls from the front door. "You home?"
My stomach drops when I hear her voice using the little nickname she gave me. "Yeah! I'm in the living room." I call, trying desperately to sound cheerful.
I hear her footsteps nearing me, getting more scared by the closer they get.
"Reed." She says, smiling. "Welcome me home." I stand up with a fake smile. I walk over to her and peck her on the mouth. "Good girl." The auburn says, grabbing my ass.
"Not tonight. I have my intern test tomorrow." I say, pulling away.
"Since when were you allowed to decline me?" Whitney asks, her yellow eyes raging. She takes my arm and throws me onto the couch, quickly swaddling me. "N-no. N-not t-tonight. I have to s-study." I stutter. Her hand comes hard on my face, her nails scratching bloody lines in my cheeks.

I wake up in a cold sweat. My eyes dart around my room anxiously.
"Callie!" I call out. "CALLIE!!!"
The bedroom door bursts open, and Mark runs in worriedly. "Robbins! What is it?" He asks, flipping the switch on, lighting my bedroom.
He sits on the edge of the bed and scoops me into his arms.
"Callie!" I cry out. "Calliope. Help. Calliope. Callie!"
"Blondie!" Mark shouts. "Snap out of it!! You're having a panic attack!!"
My eyes fly open to find myself in Mark's arms. "Mark. When did you get here?"
"I couldn't sleep in my apartment knowing Sofia wasn't in her room so I used the key and came here for the night. You woke me up with your screaming. What happened? Why were you calling out for Cal?" He asks, wiping away my tears.
"I had a flashback. Callie always calmed me down when I had a flashback."
"A flashback of what?"
I shake my head violently. "No, no, no, no!" I shout.
"Okay." He soothes. "Okay." He lays me back in my bed.
"I'll be right back."


Ring, ring!
My phone rings impatiently. Rubbing my eyes, I grab my phone and walk out of Penny and I's bedroom.
"Hello?" I call into the phone.
"CAL!" Mark shouts on the other side.
"What is it? Is everything okay?" I ask.
"Arizona just woke up in the middle of the night. She was screaming your name."
My stomach drops. "Why? Is she okay?!"
"She said she had a flashback. She said you're the only one who can calm her."
Oh no. "Put me on the phone, Mark."
After the sound of shuffling around, I car hear Mark hand Arizona the phone and her holding it to her cheek.
"Arizona?" I call, softly.
A soft, soft voice flows into my ear. "Callie?" She calls out like a small, vulnerable child.
"Hey there." I whisper. "You okay?"
"N-no..." Arizona whimpers. "where are you? I need you to hold me. I can't calm down."
"Arizona, Mark is there, okay? He's gonna take care of you. Okay, honey?"
"Callie!" She whimpers, calling for me, twisting my heart.
"Arizona, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. She can't get to you. She doesn't know where you are. You're safe. You have Mark. You're okay. You're gonna be okay. Whitney is not going to get to you."
Slowly, her breathing slows and I hear her taking shaky breaths in.
"Okay, now what was this one about?" I ask.
"I-I was studying for my i-intern exam and she c-came home. She m-made me welcome h-her and then s-she forced me t-to sleep with her. S-she hit me. I-I had to redo m-my internship b-because I failed the t-test." She whimpers.
"Okay honey. It's okay. I've got you." I soothe. "Callie's here, Arizona. Talk to me until you fall asleep, and then I'll tell Mark to buy you some doughnuts you like."
"Callie." She calls out again. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I ruined everything." She begins to cry again.
"Oh honey." I whisper. "It wasn't you."
"How's Sofia?"
"She's doing fine. She's doing just fine. She made a friend on the playground a couple of days ago. His name was Gabe. She told me that she thinks he's pretty."
Arizona chuckles at that. "W-what did he l-look like?"
"Oh he is a beautiful Latino with big chocolate eyes and gorgeous tan skin. He's precious."
"Well." Arizona says with a chuckle. "Like mother like daughter. Her and I have the same taste."
We chuckle at that, me blushing like a school girl. Slowly, her breathing gets a steady speed and Mark gets on the phone.
"What the HELL was that about?" He asks.
"Zona had an abusive girlfriend that she met in med school after her brother died. Her girlfriend took advantage of her and got to Arizona while she was vulnerable and grieving. She raped her many times and she mentally abused her. She always called Arizona Reed because thats Arizona's middle name. Don't use the word Reed near her. It triggers her for a panic attack. Arizona had a nightmare. A flashback. You calm her down by softly talking to her like you would a five year old, and once she calms down you go buy her glazed Krispy Kreme doughnuts, and she's okay."
"Wow. I never knew -" he says.
"There's no way you could've known. Why are you at my house exactly?"
"I couldn't sleep without Sofia in the same house so I spent the night with Arizona. And it's not your house anymore it's hers. And when do I get my Sofie back?" He asks.
"Mark, every other year. You'll get her in seven months. Okay?"
"Screw you, Torres. You've screwed up everything." He says bitterly. "You've screwed up Arizona; you took away our daughter, you dropped everything and left with Penny and my little girl. Now Arizona is having flashbacks. Probably because of you."
Then my ears are met with the dial tone, for my best friend Mark Sloan had just hung up on me.
I turn around to face Penny who is standing in our bedroom doorway, looking in at the living room.
"Yeah?" I ask.
"You called her honey."
"She was having a panic attack."
"You still love her."
"You're right."
"You love her more than you love me."
"Arizona was before you."
"Do you love me?"
"Yes, Penny."
"Do you still love her?"
"I will always have a place in my heart for Arizona Robbins. Always."
"Can we go to bed now?"
"Yes, Penny."

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