Chapter Nineteen

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You may think after that conversation, we'd be back together and totally perfectly happy.
After that, Calliope hadn't even looked me in the eye.
She has this thing where she gets embarrassed after she's vulnerable, and she hates becoming vulnerable.
Like - hates.
She can't even cry in front of me, and we love each other so that's saying something.
She hates coming off weak, especially to me because I'm known for being the smaller, weaker one that she's supposed to take care of.
So, now she wouldn't talk to me.
But she was my emergency contact so she's in charge of taking me home for the next couple of days.
Mark is with Sofia, because I didn't want her to see me weak like this.
Calliope and I were staying at our old apartment, which was about half a mile from the hospital until I was healed.
Today, I get discharged.
"Okay, hon." Miranda says, clipping the bandage that was wrapped around my middle from my chest, to my under arms, around my boobs, and around my stomach, clipping at my waistband. It was my brace for my ribs.
Everything else was healed relativity well. "You're all set. You have the bandages?"
I hold up the drawstring bag, referring to the braces I had in there.
She smiles kindly. "No more scares, you understand?"
I chuckle. "Yes ma'am."
Cautiously, I slide off of the hospital bed, sure not to hurt anything. "Do you know - where she is?" I ask.
"Who? Callie?"
I nod shyly.
Shaking her head at my personality when talking about Calliope, she smiles. "She's signing your papers in the main lobby."
Thanking her, I walk out of my room and to the main lobby, seeing the familiar shape of the curvy Latina,starting with the wavy black, sleek yet curly hair, to her perfectly sized chest, to her curvy waist, to her amazing ass, to her beautiful Olive-tan-bronzed legs, even to her feet. Everything about her was amazingly perfectly imperfect.
She smiles at me, pulling me back to normal mind.
I smile back, and follow her out the door of the hospital. It was dark, for it was eight o'clock. I could tell by the corner she turned we were walking to apartment like old times.
My short legs struggle to keep up with her long stature, but after a while, I match her pace and we begin walking to a rhythm.
After three minutes, Calliope says something for the first time in three days to me. "Rain."
"She speaks!" I shout, looking at her with wide eyes after days of silence.
"No, Az. Rain."
Then, I feel it.
Drip. Drip. Drip drip.
"It's fine." I say. "A little rain won't hurt us."
Drip drip drip. Drip drip drip drip.
Slowly, the speed picks up.
I gasp as my prosthetic slips in a puddle, my clumsy body tumbling to the ground.
"Arizona!" Calliope exclaims, immediately scooping me up.
"Put me down." I say angrily.
She sets me down on my feet, and I adjust my leg.
"Are you okay?"
I chuckle. "Why would you care? You haven't cared for the last couple of days. Not even enough to say hello, aye Cal?"
Her face blushes, because I only called her Cal when I was pissed at her, and she hated when I was pissed at her. Hated it. I called her Callie sometimes when it was just casual, and most of the time I call her Calliope in a loving way. Rarely Cal.
"I'm sorry. I just - I don't want to be weak and -"
"Because you don't love me if we're honest." I interrupt.
Then, I gasp as I am violently thrown against the brick wall of the building we were walking pass.
She begins screaming in Spanish. "¡Te amo más que la vida misma! No te merezco! Me asusta estar contigo , porque creo que no soy digno!"
I love you more than life itself! I do not deserve you! It scares me to be with you because I think I am not worthy!
I begin to cry, because she was scaring me.
"Calliope." I sob. "You. Don't. Love. Me."
Violently gripping my face, she presses me against the brick wall and presses her body against mine, before slowly leaning in, fitting her lips in between mine, our tongues touching each other magically, finally.
I grin against the kiss, trying to get away fro a breath, but she keeps kissing me.
When we finally break apart, we are getting drenched in the rain, heads pressed against each other.
"I love you, mi amore." Calliope whispers in my ear as she kisses my neck, her hands rubbing my sides.

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