Chapter Twelve

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"N-no. P-please s-stop." I say, crying. My voice was soft and vulnerable. I sounded scared. I was scared.
She was hitting me again. My other wrist was broken, and I could feel my ribs breaking
again. I couldn't feel my right shin, and she was raping me with one hand as she hit me with the other. She was kissing my neck, and one leg was kicking my shin while the fourth limb was used to balance her.
"You shouldn't have left me, Reed."
Tears streamed down my face, eyeliner running. "I'm sorry, Whitney."
"Shut up, bitch."

As soon as I get in the bathroom, I immediately hear Arizona crying.
Then, I hear it.
"Please stop!"
"Shut up, Reed."
Oh hell no.
I run over to the third stall and pop the lock with the heel of my high heels.
I gasp at the sight.
Some auburn waitress was RAPING Arizona.
My Arizona.
Arizona was obviously hurt in more ways then one.
Rage fills me.
"GET OFF OF MY GIRLFRIEND!" I scream, yanking the auburn by her hair and throwing her onto the ground.
I get ontop of her, throwing punch after punch.
"C-Calliope." Arizona says so softly it's almost a whisper. It breaks my heart.
I keep punching until she stops moving. I check her pulse to make sure I didn't kill her. Okay good, she had a pulse. She was just unconscious.
I run to Arizona and wrap my arms around her and she falls into my grasp. She weeps into my neck.
"Shhhhhh." I say. "Shhhh. I've got you. We're taking you to the hospital now."
"Calliope." She sobs into my neck.
I run out of the bathroom, scooping Arizona's frail body in my arms. She keeps weeping into my neck.
"Help! Someone call Grey Memorial Hospital! She's hurt!"
Mark immediately runs over to us, looking at Arizona in concern.
Alex immediately begins to call the hospital.
Mark kisses Arizona on the forehead. "It's okay Blondie." He whispers. "I'm here."
She buries her head farther into my neck.
Whitney walks out of the bathroom as we wait for the ambulance.
She just had a couple of punches.
Alex walks over to her. "We have someone coming for you." He says, grabbing her wrist harshly. "Except it's a cop car and not an ambulance."

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