Chapter Twenty Two

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5:00 PM
Two hours before Callie gets on stage for the TED conference

I was so happy.
I had on the TV muted for when the TED conference starts, I had Chasing Cars blaring, and I was in the kitchen, attempting to make myself a grilled cheese.
I hear the front door open and close. Thinking it is Mark, I begin lay one slice of cheese on the toasted buttery bread, when I feel someone in the kitchen.
"Hey Mark, pass me the pepper."
After a few seconds, a hand appears in my vision with the pepper.
"Thanks." I say, taking it.
I pick up a knife to cut off the crust.
But then, I freeze.
My face goes white.
My blood goes cold.
My legs go jelly.
The hand.
The hand that handed me the pepper.
A pale hand.
Red nail polish.
Mark doesn't wear nail polish.
Calliope wears black and purple nail polish.
The only person I know who wears red nail polish is -
"Why hello, Reed."
The knife slips out of my hand, slicing my arm below it.
I didn't even feel it.
I was numb.
"You never visited me in jail." The voice says, whiny.
I feel a nail on the back of my neck, pulling my hair together.
"I missed you."

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