Chapter Eleven

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"Mark, it's been fifteen minutes." I say, worriedly, checking my phone.
"She's fine. She probably really had to go to the bathroom. Calm down."
I keep on replaying the moment where Arizona stood up and sprinted for the ladies bathroom. Her face was white and she was obviously scared.
"No, Mark. Something is wrong."
He shakes his head, smiling at me.
"You're still the worried girlfriend." He says.
"Shut up."
The waitress brings us our food. Him, a burger and fries. Me, a side salad. I hadn't eaten very much since I had left Arizona with Sofia.
"You're right, Mark. She's probably fine."
He smiles at me.
"So how's Penny?"
I shake my head. "She's a totally different person than who I fell in love with. We're going through a lot of problems."
"You gonna move back to Seattle?" Mark asks.
"Maybe." I say, looking at my plate. "Maybe."
I look at my phone.
It had been twenty minutes.
Something was definitely wrong.
"Mark, I have to go to the bathroom."
"Liar." He says, rolling his eyes.
I smile guiltily, standing up and making my way to the women's restroom.

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