Chapter Eight

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When Mark left the house, I felt like crap.
It was 6:00, and he said he had to get ready for a date.
I didn't have anybody to "date."
I call up Alex, one of my best friends.
"Yo, Robbins."
"Karev." I say happily. "Wanna go on a date with me tonight?"
A long silence. "What?"
"I'm gay and you're in love with someone else but let's grab dinner together."
He chuckles. "Eight o clock?"
"Sounds good to me."
"Red Robin?"
"I'll pick you up at your house."
"Thanks boyfriend."
"Don't even try."

I chuckle, walking into my room and slipping into a cute blouse with a nice pair of skinny jeans and flats. I go heavy on the eye liner and straighten my hair, swooping my bangs behind my ear like usual.
This is the first time I had tried to look nice since the flashbacks returned.
I throw on my over the shoulder little mini wallet bag purse thing and by that time, Alex was honking outside.
Slipping my iPhone into my pocket, I run outside.
"Lay off the horn, will ya?" I exclaim.
"It's 7:50!" He says. "It's a seven minute drive. We were almost late!"
"Gosh, Mr. Grumpy pants." I say.
"When you called me you said that I was in love and you were gay, so it wouldn't be a real date. Just dinner. And I get that, but I'm not in love."
"What?! Why?!" I ask.
"Jo refuses to marry me." He says bitterly.
"Oh Alex." I say. "I'm so sorry."
"Let's just focus on having fun tonight. Okay?"
"Got it!" I say, cheerily smiling.
"We miss you at work." He says, frowning a bit. "There's this preemie. 13 weeks. He's alive. Can you believe that? Alive! He's hooked up to an incubator so he can keep growing."
"That's so great, Alex!"
"It's not, Arizona." He says, pulling into the parking lot. "The new fetal surgeon doesn't know what he's doing. If things get rough, he does a C-section, despite what Bailey says and despite the age of the fetus."
"Baby, Alex." I correct. "No matter how old they are, they're all babies. They're all humans."
"Sorry." He grumbles, getting out of the car, opening my door for me, and leading me inside with arms linked.

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