Chapter Five

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"Reed?" Whitney calls, opening the door.
I approach her as she walks inside. "I need to talk to you, Whitney." I say.
She crosses her arms and looks at me with her eyebrows raised. "Okay?"
I inhale deeply. "I think it's time that you and I break things off. I don't think this relationship is for me."
She looks at me with a confused face. Then, she begins Laughing.
She throws me against a wall and presses her hips against mine so I couldn't get away. She begins slapping me like usual. Then, she begins kicking my legs. She kicks under my knees and I crumble to the ground.
She smiles down on me. Leaning down, she kisses my now salty with tears lips, before kicking me in the gut as hard as she could with the heel of her six inch heels.
I gasp, hearing a crack.
Then, another kick.
A louder crack.
The last kick, I hear a break.
Screaming out in pain, she smiles triumphantly back at me.
She begins to yank off my pants and panties, before shoving her fingers in me
I gasp, tears rolling down my cheeks.
She begins to bite my neck, waiting for my climax.
Once she is finished, I had a shattered ankle, four broken ribs, a bruised face and neck, and a broken wrist.
I had become unconscious, but the last thing I remember was her dragging me out of the apartment by my broken ankle foot and then heaving me down the staircase of our apartment building.
Then, she gets on her phone. "911? Yes, my girlfriend just fell down the stairs of our apartment! Yes, hurry please! I love her!"

When I wake up, I'm met with the sound of beeping from the hospital monitors. Whitney is at my side, holding my hand.
"Whitney?" I call out of fear, snatching my hand away.
She glares at me, taking my hand back but squeezing it really hard.
It was because the doctor was there, and she didn't want me to tell him she was abusive.
Or else.
I could see it in her eyes.
You tell him, it'll be worse next time.
So I fake smile at her, and turn to the doctor.
"Doctor Fitz." He says, smiling at me. "I hear you're an intern at a hospital for becoming a surgeon?"
I smile. "Yes sir."
He looks at Whitney. "I'm sorry, but I need privacy in order to do a checkup on a patient."
"Of course, Doctor."
She kisses me on the cheek, when I cringe.
She glares at me, then leaves the oddly white room.
Once she's gone, he looks at me deep in the eyes.
"When did it start?" He asks.
"I got tipsy and then I fell down the stairs." I say.
"That's not what I'm talking about." He whispers. "When did she start hurting you?"
I clear my throat. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"Listen, honey." He says, grabbing my hand. "My daughter was abused by her boyfriend. I know what this means. I can tell from your injuries. When did it start?"
I look at the older man with black graying hair and give him a small smile.
"About two years ago. When we met, she was sweet and fun. When she asked me to move in with her, I said yes. The very first night she hit me." I look down at my blanket. "It only got worse after that."
He smiles kindly. "What does she do?" He asks.
"She's a surgeon."
"Okay, so she works 24 hour shifts?"
"Most of the time." I answer.
"I'm going to tell you what to do. Next time she's on a 24 hour shift, you're going to pack up all of your bags and things. Don't leave anything behind. You're packing everything. Then, you're gonna call me. I'll drive by your apartment and pick you up. Then, I'm driving you to the airport. There's a hospital in Seattle called Mercy West. You can finish your internship and residency there. Then, you can upgrade to Seattle Grace as an attending. My son lives there, he'll buy you an apartment. You're gonna get a new phone, and destroy the one she has access to. You're running away, and she will never see you again. Then, I'll show these scans to the hospital where she works and say that she's a danger to her patients."
My eyes are wide taking in this new information. "Why are you doing this?" I ask.
"Doing what?"
"Saving me..."
"Nobody deserves to live with an abusive lover. Trust me, this is the best thin for you and I know you have trust issues and I get that but if you're tried of being scared, then you'll take me up on this offer."
"I don't have trust issues you. You remind me of my father. I accept your offer."

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