Chapter Thirty Seven

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"This is good news, Callie." Detective Devin says, laying a hand on my shoulder. "This means she's still alive."
I shake my head, violently pulling away from him. "No!" I shout. "This is not good news!" Tears roll down my face silently. "She's still in pain. Don't you see? She's hurting!"
He smiles kindly at me. "We're going to take this photo and scan it for any details that can lead to where she is. Okay?"
Wordlessly, I hand him my phone and turn, leaving the police department.
"Callie!" I hear someone call behind me.
I turn my head, to be met with Desire.
"What were you doing at the station?" She's asks.
I shrug. "Can't do this anymore, Desire. Us. Sorry."
I leave her, her mouth wide open, her eyes big.
I turn around once more.
Before walking away.

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