Chapter Twenty Six

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This chapter is dedicated to my new Wattpad best frannnd! Go read her Calzona story! _c_hensley_



I wake up in the passengers seat of a car.
I swallow a couple of times, my throat dry.
"Calliope?" I whisper sleepily.
Opening my eyes, I see I was not with Calliope at all. No. But I wasn't with Whitney either.


She chuckles, looking over the steering wheel at the road ahead. "You never noticed?" She asks. "Tall. Pale. Freckles. Green eyes. Auburn hair?"

I had no idea what she was talking about. "What - what are you saying?"

"Whitney is my sister. Wow, you're more blonde than I thought." Rolling her eyes, she keeps her eyes peeled on the road.

"I don't understand. Why aren't you in New York?"

Exasperated, Penny groans. "God, Arizona! Catch up. Whitney is my sister. Whitney, she knew where you lived the whole time. She sent me to Seattle to spy on you so she could get you back."

I shake my head. "No. No! What about you killing Derek?"

She chuckles. "That stuck up surgeon? Yeah, right. It was no accident, hon. I killed him on purpose so Meredith could know me and eventually I could get to you."

Tears fill my eyes. "You murdered Derek on purpose because of me?"

Ignoring me, she continues talking. "Funny part of the story is I actually ended up falling for your wife! The whole reason of me being there was so I could get revenge on you for leaving Whitney like she hired me to do." Sighing, she grins. "But I doubled my revenge by taking your wife's heart as well! I moved to New York to get away from you so Calliope and I could be away from you."

"No!" I demand. "You got that award fair and square! You had no power."

"It was an ACT! Being a good surgeon. I knew Callie never genuinely loved me, but I thought I could distroy you by taking her with me to my unearned New York trip." She explains, cackling.

"No!" I demand. "Stop saying this!"

Ignoring me, she continues. "But then, you stole her back! So, you have my girlfriend, and you left my sister."

I shake my head. "No. She's not your girlfriend. She's my wife. She's your nothing!"

Penny gets visually mad after I say that. "She was my everything."

I look out the window. "Where are you taking me? What are you going to do to me?"

She chuckles. "I'm giving you what you deserve. After you're dealt with, Callie will come running back in my arms for comfort. Brilliant, I know."

I look out the window at the trees that blur as we drove by.

"Oh Calliope." I whisper to myself.

I don't know if I like the whole Penny kidnapping thing so give me your feedback! Penny or Whitney as the badguy?

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